Amen Corner workout at The Cauldron

Event Date

Jun 12, 2020

 Six of us made our way around Discovery  Place kids this morning stopping at each Amen Corner for various KB exercise. Zamperini to each corner.


 Zamperini to the clock at the First Corner for disclaimer side straddle hops x 20 IC CPX15 windmill x15 Merkens x10 squats x10& arm circles


1st The Colt 45-15 low curl, 15 high curl, 15 full curl all in cadence 

2nd OHP 

3rd Skull crusher 

4th Squat

5th lawn mower

6th bent over row Bro or Manzier whichever you prefer 

back to clock where we did more low, high, and full curls, upright row, chest press, one hand chest press each arm, and pull overs


 Of course I started us off with J Lo and the rest of the pax  got to choose their own exercise for us to do I don’t remember them all if you remember what you did you can post it on here I know when it got back to me we had a minute left and we did Freddie Mercury  and Homer to Marge.

 Great work by all thanks altar man always enjoy leading the group till next time 
