6 men got pumped up on the last day of Amen weekWarmup mosey around parking lot oncePsalm 118:24SSH x 25IST x15Cotton pickers x 15Windmill x 15Arm circles forward and backPsalm 5:11Zamparini to benchesIncline merkin x 15Decline merkin x 15Dips x 20Zamparini to wallPeople’s chairWhile in chairHigh curls x 10Low curls x 10Off wallCarolina dry dock x 15Back on wallFull curl x 10Overhead press x 15Zamparini to parking lot by basketball hoopsLine up for suicidesRun to first hoop and back then 20x KB swingsRun to second hoop and back then 15x upright rowRun to third hoop and back then 10x lawnmowers rt armRun to fourth hoop and back then 10x lawnmowers lt armPsalm 3:3Reverse repeato Do suicides again same as aboveZamparini back to wall and do same as aboveZamparini to benches and do same as abovePsalm 18:3Had a little time so zamparini to bike rack and partnered up and first held seconds legs on shoulders while second did decline merkins on bike rack then switch.MaryLet the PAX callAmen – JloHallelujah – WW2Lil Ben – LBCSpare – Spare crunchThor – Mountain ClimbersMoop Dawg – Magtarjye(hope I spelled that right)Revelation 5:13-14COTMoleskineThanks to all who came out this week and supported me. F3 has been a real blessing in the last 8 months.Thanks to Spare for allowing me to lead Cauldron.The verses you see in the BB are what I quote during workouts. I hope you all can take a look and are encouraged. The ultimate meaning of Amen week is that all can get a good sweat and encouragement to start out their day. I leave you all with this.1 Timothy 4:8 “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”Grace and peace in HimAnd they all said Amen