AMRAP at Cauldron

Disclaimer and Warm-o-Rama (the usual)


To the front courtyard. Partner up by KB weight. 4 pax per bench, then evenly distribute any additional. 21 total pax divided by 4 shoulda been 5 at 3 benches, 6 at the latest bench. We need more benches!

2 pax on each bench with KBs. KB press AMRAP. Other 3-4 pax jackknife LBC.  Flapjack.


Repeato till all pax have done 2 press, 2 flies, 2 sets jackknife LBC, 2 sets pretzel crunch.


Mosey with bell to deck, up the stairs to the almost top.


Circle up


The following AMRAP, then mosey up one ramp.  Core exercise while waiting for the last pax to arrive. Then mosey back down to the KBs.  Repeato with next exercise.


Believe we covered curls, skull crushers (walking), then Christian McCalf-raises, then walking curl-to-press-to-skull crushers.


Now we’re at the very top for MWAR.




Sweaty but swole Moleskine:

YHC knew this would get competitive with this group, so thought it would be fun to have the pax move 1 KB to the left for the first set = curls.  Cobains to the pax who posted with 25 lb KBs but shifted to a 35 pounder.  I know Kosar got my 35! Kosar you can thank Bob Ross – YHC's biceps were too sore from his Q yesterday to use my 35 again.  But let the record reflect we shifted back to our originals after curls.

Couldn't help but notice Lawn Dart was one of the last of the pax to "fail" and make the treck to the next level.  Was that b/c he's strong like ox or because he hates running that much?

T-Claps to Bel Air who outlasted the rest of the pax on the calf raises and he's more than 20 years better than almost all of us!

Ultraman was around for the last reps on most sets as well.  Not too shabby for a runner who woke up with the runs today…

Ponch did the majority of the workout with his bullet-proof weighted vest.  Daaaaaaaaaaamn!  The smell of that vest this morning might could stop a bullet itself.  Just sayin'.

Titan claims he ran the standard this morning, but his watch says different.  Sup with dat, Titan?

2nd week in a row with 20+ pax at Cauldron.  Instead of trying to determine who's pulling all these pax to Cauldron, perhaps we should be asking, "Who's NOT here, making The Cauldron a more appealing workout in their absence?" Blackbeard, any thoughts on the matter?

Welcome FNG, Tripp!  No, Tripp is not his new F3 nickname.  Tripp is a III, thus the family nickname "Tripp".  YHC jokingly suggested we nickname him his true hospital name (no idea what that is).  Tripp played college football at Wake, was an O-lineman.  Tripping is a penalty.  Most common O-line penalty is false start.  Nickname "False Start" perhaps?  Ultraman and YHC were pondering the possibilities at coffetteria.

That's it.  The Force is OUT.

