An Extra Sexy Mary at Samson

Event Date

May 11, 2017


(Will update PAX list)


Thanks Limburger for the chance to Q today! The PAX crushed everything YHC could come up with, and are better because of it. They chose not the allure of yoga mats, recovery, and the kissing practice that we can only assume was going on around the fire place this morning, but chose to beat their bodies into recovery!


Mosey to the pullup bars

SSH IC x10

Warm up over!


The Thang:

3 rounds of modified Cindy

5 burpee pull ups

10 mericans

15 squats


Mosey to the rock pile, grab a rock, then too the ritual sacrifice area (monkey bars)

6 sumo deadlift IC

5 push press IC

6 thrusters OYO

10 rock slams OYO




Everything other than the monkey bars was sets of 10 OYO

Monkey bars

2 block shoulder shrugs

Throw a tire over the dip bars

Block curls

20# Sledge hammer swings

Rock slams

50# Sandbag squat

54# Kettlebell swings


Shoulder touch merican x15


Mosey to just close enough that the recovering ladies could not see us…
Bear crawl into sight so we look cool


Extra Sexy Mary:

Roseleetas x10

Monkey Humpers x10

Glute bridge x15

Pickle Pounders x10


Mosey to cars

Mericans x15

Recover Recover



Great job today gents. Everyone put what they had into the workout, and everyone managed not to crush Limbergers dog with a rock. The circuit got a bit congested at times, but seemed to be effective. We had a few more PAX than anticipated, always a good thing! Samson is a great idea, at a great AO. I’d love to see the Thursday workout grow, and get some new and interesting equipment. See you tomorrow for a fast paced Marine Corps CFT styled workout at the Foundry!