An FNG-friendly Partner Workout (which kinda sucked)

Event Date

Jun 08, 2017

Not included in Pax list was Mike and Steve – FNGs who crushed it today!

11 regulars arrived in the gloom and 2 brought energetic, enthusiatic FNGs (it is FNG and Kotters week, after all).  Shout out to Tantrum (brought Mike) and YHC (brought Steve) in hopes of changing their lives (and sleep patterns) for the future.  Knowing there'd be at least 1 FNG (awesome that there were 2), YHC (Your Humble Communicator) designed a special treat for everyone by having most of the workout done by partnering up.  Here's how that went…


Circle around the Tree of Hope.  Reminder from Amen to give the disclaimer – check!  Then Side-Straddle-Hops x15 IC (In Cadence), Imperial Storm Troopers x 12 IC, Cotton Pickers x 15 IC, Mountain Climbers x 15 IC, then a poorly communicated but hopefully effective "Good Morning Burpee Circle" where each pax introduced themselves with nickname or FNGs' birth names and how long they've been doing F3.

The Thang:

Joggy-jog to the pain clock, but not for a pain clock.  Instead, partner up for the following:

Partner 1 run around the circle AND then back around.  Partner 2 curb kickers AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible)

Partner 1 Slide Shuffles half way around circle, then flip to face other direction.  Partner 2 Merkins AMRAP.

Partner 1 Bear Crawl left around the circle.  Partner 2 Bear Crawl around the circle to the right.  Halt when you meet your partner.

Mosey to the weight room (rock pile).  Partner up with different partners than before.  Get a rock for your pair, or each a rock if you choose.  Partner 1 runs to Queens Corner (intersection at the bottom of the hill) while parter 2 works in the weight room.  Flapjack (swap – do the opposite).  Keep a total count of each exercise.  Here are the exercises for the weight room:

100 Curls, 100 Skull Crushers, 100 Shoulder Presses, 50 Bent-over Rows, 10 Sit-ups passing the rock to each other.

Mosey to the Playground.  New partners again.  Dips until everyone arrives and dips when you and your partner aren't at the pull-up bars.  

Partner 1 does 10 pull-ups while partner 2 does the Al Gore behind Partner 1 in case he needs to use your thighs as leverage.  Flapjack.  

Next get yet another new partner.  5 "Helping Hands each arm with your partner and of course, Flapjack.

Mosey to Home Court for Mary and MWAR (Mary With A Rope):

Partner Side Plank High 5s (hard to explain, easy to do).  No flapjack needed!

Partner Leg Throw-Downs left, right and center x 10.  Flapjack.

MWAR (one pax works the rope while rest of pax takes turns calling the ab excercise for Mary).

The Moleskine:

Steve caught on to our silliness and sarcasm immediately, and chimed in by stating his tenure accurately – "About the last 5 minutes."  Well played, Steve – you will fit right in here.

The partner bear crawls amazingly almost all met at the 1/2 point of the circle.  YHC thought we'd all be more spread out.  But even more amazing than that – almost everyone was doing the upright hind-leg bear walk by the time they met their partner.  Never seen that many bears walking upright before.

I partnered up in the weight room with FNGs Steve and Mike and they were KILLIN' IT!  Steve seemed a bit angry at his rock at times (he chose that rock – that rock didn't choose him, so WTH?), while Mike quietly and politely pounded out the reps – wow.  Stellar FNG performance, Mike!

During MWAR, some things happened.  First, YHC mistakenly called upon Snake Eyes for the first exercise.  Bad call!  Of course, the Shoulder-Touch-Merkins were called for, but thankfully per MWAR rules he could only force us to do 10.  Wonder if he did 5 more later on his own?  Second, the hardest Mary exercise might have been the one Steve called – how does that happen?!?!?!  It was like someone bred the LBC, Freddie Mercury, Crunchy Frog and Imperial Storm Trooper all together for one mutated, painful exercise.  I love it and will use it again!

Merlot was almost spilled by 2 of the pax, but YHC will not call any names.  These fellas were simply pushing themselves harder than everyone else if you ask me!

Prayers for Toxic and a full recovery.  Stay patient and well, brother.

I hope more FNGs experienced F3 this week.  Like Jolly Roger and some others often say – they're out there, they need it, and they may be praying for it – whether they know it or not.  Aye.