An ode to Kermit the Frog

Kermit the Frog was born in Leland, Mississippi in 1955. He is now 63 years old, well into the age of respect. Widely known for his on screen and internet meme presence, Kermit also released a song called "Bein Green," in which he offers us a rare glimpse into his personal feelings- lamenting the difficulties of having green skin, but in the end embracing his color. What a frog.

You gotta respect Kermit. He is known throughout the world, a multigenerational tv and internet sensation… but I'm willing to bet Kermit isn't even aware of that. He just keeps doing his thing, unfazed. He lets the underappreciators underappreciate and the overappreciators overappreciate. He just keeps sippin. So ideal. He almost seems real. Oh to be Kermit, the coolest of the muppets.

Those of us who aren't as cool as Kermit or John D Roeder, like to hang out together and support one another through the ups and downs of physical fitness, relationships, and life as we know it. A sliver of our lesser known story, being written one day at a time, from parks, schools, churches, and parking decks across America can be found below:

Warm Up – pretty typical with the exception of ending it with 8 bam bams. A bit of mumblechatter about how that is not a warm up exercise, but I disagree, I always feel pretty warm after those.

The parking deck was used to full effect today. Lots of legs and core, including bear crawling, leap frogging, partner carrying, fighter jets (more below), jump squatting, quadrafilia, pullups, merkins, burpees, a variety of ab work, even some Bulgarian split squats and a crowd favorite superman banana at the end.

A couple of notes scribbled down in ye ole moleskine:

– A literally figurative flyby of Camp Gladiator today. Every time we reached the pinnacle of our ascent in the parking deck we did a Fighter Jet back down to the bottom. The Fighter Jet is a sprint while holding your hands out at your sides like a plane. Suprisingly if you do it for long enough, your legs, lungs, and arms will all burn. Was fun seeing the faces of Camp Gladiator as we partner carried past them on the way up and fighter jetted our way past them going down. 

– Brown Bag liked the Fighter Jet so much he decided to scale it up a notch and Dogfight, weaving in and out, barrel rolls, etc. Quite an impressive display.

– Scrappy seems well prepared to handle his duties as a judge, should the occasion arise. On one of our rounds of burpees, he was asked to sit in the People's Chair and judge our burpee form. "Judge not, lest you be judged," the Pax cried.

– Uncle Rico started an interesting conversation about the reasoning behind why children cannot vote and then wondering if you can apply that same logic to adults. Hmmm

– Watching Caboose partner carry Kosar was like watching a Clydesdale carry a Kentucky Derby jockey. Watching Kosar partner carry Caboose was like watching an ant carrying a large chunk of hamburger

– Jimmy O, thanks for the call up to Q. Having spend so much time in the shade of the Mighty Oak I had no idea what a fine establishment was being run on the other side of 77.

Sound off in the comments if you are a big Kermit fan. Or don't. That's probably none of my business.


"If we are only offensize or only attractive and not both, we can be sure we are failing to live as we ought"