11 men started their day off right with a little suck this morning. Here is what went down.Brought an old friend, (no not Blackbeard, although we have been missing you brother) the deck of death. Today in honor of BRR season a little running was in order.A spade draw were suicides- these are run to free throw line and back then to half court and back then to the other free throw line and back then all the way to other base line and backClubs – Sprints – down and back is oneHearts – MerkinsDiamonds – SquatsWe did have a little warm up on the BBall courtSSH x 15IST x 15Cotton Pickers x 15Windmill x 15Merkins x 10Squats x 10 The thangLawn dart started us out right with a draw of the —-Ace of clubs ! 14 Sprintsdo not remember who pulled the rest of cards but here is the order2 of hearts — 2 merkins3 of spades — 3 suicides6 of clubs — 6 sprints8 of spades — 8 suicidesI do remember this one. many were calling for some red and Travolta drew the 8 of hearts which meant 8 merkins. since he pulled it I gave him the opportunity to call blastoff merkins5 of diamonds –5 squats8 of diamonds –8 squatsthen Blackbeard would not draw off the top so he drew the last running card the 2 of clubs – 2 sprintsQueen of hearts – 12 merkins6 of diamonds – 6 squatsso total upSuicides – 11Sprints – 22Merkins – 22Squats – 19Mary – Each man was able to call a mary exercise this morning but I do not remember what. Only that I did the J-Lo. Let’s see how many read this back blast and if you remember what you called, answer the BB.Recover recoverMoleskin.It has been a few workouts that I have Q’d since I wrote a BB and I felt I should write one now since Blackbeard finally showed up to a work out. Great work by all and way to push. I hope it was not easy and made your day start out right.Got a chance to show off the new phone and record name-o-rama with it. Three of the next 4 cards were spades and the ace was one of them, whew.Also be glad we did not get a jokerI don’t know if it was lady luck or not that we drew red cards at the end(ahem)Prayers for Scott from Mooresville who was hit while biking on his continued recovery.Also for for Phillip Parker and Red Cedars dad David battling cancer and their families.Always remember Psalm 118:24Amen