An Oldie, But Goodie at Fallout

Event Date

Feb 21, 2017


The story starts out innocently enough…[Me] "You still good to Q tomorrow?" [Jolly Roger] "Oh crap man, I'm sorry I did not have it on my calendar and I have a flight at 0600" [Me] "I got you covered, I will make it extra hard for the PAX in your honor and tell them you said Haaay…" Now fast forward to this morning.  YHC was waiting patiently for someone, anyone to show for a "kiss the rock" standard, but to my chargrin, no one showed.  So, YHC decided a couple miles of solo warm-up was the right thing to do.  

Upon my return, the PAX started to arrive with a little nervous chatter, they found I was the Q, and I beleive the quote from Lawn Dart sums it up "Oh Crap".  As many of the awesome master Qs across our AO's can do, I decided to drop a nice old school beat down that it very popular with the PAX – The Kamakazi (TBone Version) – not to get confused with the 9Lives version which is patented, copy writed, and such.  I am a fair and just MQ so I gave the PAX and choice – pick 1 or 2.  Unfortuneately, they picked wrong.  The other workout was easier and may have involved coffee – they will never know.  Here is how the TBone Kamakazi version went down…


Mosey up and around the whole parking lot and circle up at the bottom soccer field.  We executed the standard Isotope warm up – all IC except where noted

SSH x 20

Seal Claps x 10

Cotton Pickers x 10

Wind Mills x 10

Then we moseyed to the startline…

THE KAMAKAZI (TBone Version)

  1. Run across lower socer field, at bottom of hill execute Flutter Kicks x 50, run back to start 
  2. Once everyone is back, run across field to bottom of hill Flutter Kicks x 50, run to top of first hill Burpees x 10, run down hill, Flutter Kicks x 50, run back to the start
  3. Repeato, then run to bottom of second tier hill, Flutter Kicks x 50, run back to start stopping at the top of the hill (Burpees x 10), bottom of hill (Flutter Kicks x 50)
  4. Repeato above, and run to top of second tier hill for Burpees x 10, then back to the start stopping at the bottom and top of each hil
  5. Repeato above, and run to bottom of tier 3 hill for Flutter Kicks x 50 (time is running out), then back to the start stopping at the top and bottom of hills along the way executing said exercises.

Total Reps (approximately)

Flutter Kicks = ~600

Burpees = ~100

Mosey to parking lot for Recover Recover…


  • Emergency fill in Q's are my favorite as they tend to be extra hard.  Kamakazi always delivers
  • Thanks Tantrum for getting the six, and strong work from Burnt Endz and Lawn Dart…Whole lotta running
  • QBert was in beast mode, he outpaced the PAX and even came back on the last round of Flutters – I hate Hate 20-year olds.  And BTW do the quarter ruck it will be fun mostly
  • One of the good things about this AO is that elder statemen do represent – Elmers, Hasselhoff, Burnt Endz (all in the half century club) had a strong showing this AM – definite respect
  • It was good to see LandShark out and about, the "wing" seems to be healing nicely and it will be no time now when he can stop doing FiA exercises and rejoin the F3 PAX – see you at Wilderness Thursday – I am the Q

That is all for now

2017 Q Challenge = 8/30 complete – Next Q 2/23 @ Wilderness it will be fun
