An Uncle Rico Beatdown

Event Date

Apr 19, 2018


Mosey around the church snaking up and down the grassy hill

The Thang

Hand Release Merkins 40 OYO

KB swings 40 OYO

Pullups 10 OYO

Squat to Press 40 OYO

Single Arm Snatches 40 OYO (20 each arm)

Pullups 10 OYO

Hand Release Merkins 30 OYO

KB Swings 30 OYO

Pullups 10 OYO

Squat to Press 30 OYO

Single Arm Snatches 30 OYO (15 each arm)

Pullups 10 OYO

Tire Flips – flip then hop through tire, flip back and hop through tire, Lunges while waiting  ABOUT 4 SETS

Monkey Rolls (3 pax each group, just like the football days), fourth man does Rockey Balboas ABOUT 3 SETS


Pretzel Crunches 12 IC each side

Merkins 15 IC?

Mosey back to the front of church

The Burpie


Great beatdown by Uncle Rico!  Can imagine how Uncle Rico and Qbert swing those big bells… props!

Great to be a part of the legacy of the Dragon Slayer – Your new MQ
