
Event Date

Oct 24, 2017

Five of North America’s finest made it out on a Tuesday morning after a full Monday filled with storms to come and get their collective Anagram on.  If you recall, an anagram is a word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another word. MIL F3 examples shared in the pre-blast included the following, with only the highlights culled for your reading pleasure:

  • Natty Lite = Italy Tent

  • Oktoberfest = Be Stroke Oft

  • El Tigre = Leg Tire

  • Grip = Prig

  • 911 = 9/11

  • Double Double = Be Loud Double

  • Swamp Thing = Might Spawn

  • Hambone = Man Be Ho

  • Mercan = Scar Men

  • Side Straddle Hop = Dad Deplores This

  • Carolina Dry Dock = Canary Dick Drool (CDD)

  • Soft Gayze = Fag Zest Yo

  • Burpee = Beer Up


We not need no stinking Warm-o-Rama. Besides, El Tigre (Leg Tire) had already run 3.2 miles before we showed up so he warmed up for the rest of us.

The Thang

Mosey over to covered area since still some moisture remaining on the parking lot and Q does not want to soil his playing cards

•             Deck of 52 cards (sans jokers)

•             Value of the card = the number of reps to do for the exercise

•             ♦ Diamonds: ‘Mercans (Scar Men), Face cards = Diamond ‘Mericans

•             ♠ Spades: Squats, Face cards = Jump Squats

•             ♣ Clubs: LBC’s, Face cards = Freddie Mercury

•             ♥ Hearts: Burpees (Beer Ups)

•             Any Ace:  One Lap around school (~1/3 mile)

No more time left for Mary


  • Q feels like the last several workouts led (after the unfortunate oversleeping) have been relatively strong and a bit of a high water mark. Please don’t get used to it

  • Your son is a handsome boy, you may want to fix his gnarly grill

  • Lot of intelligence shared on UNC off-campus housing. At Penn State, when asked why sororities did not have houses like fraternities did, the story was told that if enough unrelated girls live in the same house, the house is considered a brothel.

  • Turns out this was just a modern legend

  • Q swapped lunges out for LBC/Freddy Mercury in respect of the knees and those training for a half marathon

  • Beer Ups were brutal. Probably look worse when the footage is replayed from the school security camera

  • By my unofficial count that was a total of 90 mercans (scar men), 90 squats, 90 LBC’s and 90 burpees (beer ups) and about 1.5 miles (Leg Tire has the offical mileage count)

  • Apparently doing the exercises slower helps one to finish faster

  • Pax expresses concern about the amount of free time Q has during work to generate these randowm workout themes. The admission that there is a free anagram generator on the internet help alleviate these concerns 

  • Oktoberfest (he of the Be Stroke Oft moniker), while really good at counting cards, lost a lot of respect in the eyes of the Pax for passing on doing the final lap

  • 704 may have a bad hip, but he sure can pull some might fine swine

  • The LKN F3 crew is doing a Basin Run Relay this weekend on November 3-4, 2017. It starts and ends at D9 Brewing Company in Cornelius at 10pm, and covers 66 or so miles, and the after-party starts at 9am on Saturday.They are looking for volunteers if you feel so led. Be Stroke Oft sounded like he was definitely up for offering his services to the cause

  • Q pushed hard today to get all of the 52 cards in. Great work men!