Anatomy of The Burpee

Event Date

Dec 20, 2016


6 Men gathered in the cool crisp morning air to get strong, and warmer, today.  Here's how it went:


Started out with a little dynamic arm and leg stretches and movements to get the limbs freed up.

Parking lot fun (exercise full length of parking lot and mosey back):  Toy Soldiers, Karaoke Left, Backwards, Karaoke Right, Bear Crawl up, Crawl Bear back.

The Thang:

Q dug back thru some backlogged workouts and happened across an oldie but goodie.  I was inspired to find it based on the mummblechatter from the Pax this previous Saturday workout, thanks gentlemen.

Welcome back the "3 Minute Get It", with a new mixture of exercises.  Basically set a timer for 3 minutes and perform the following exercises in repeating sets until time expires.

5 – Merkins

10 – Groiners

15 – Squat Jumps

Once completed, mosey back to the playground for a little meat grinder session including:

* Step ups (10 each leg) 

* Arm Dips

* Down Under Rows

* Derkins

* Squats

*Hanging Oblique Crunches (alternating between side, middle, side)

Repeato of the "3 Minute Get It" with same exercises

Repeato Meat Grinder with same exercises

Mosey back to the parking lot to finish it out.  By this time the gig was up on the "3 Minute Get It" and the Pax figured out what was going on.  Yes, put all three exercises together and what do you get, A BURPEE.  Final "3 Minute Get It" equals full burpee challenge.  Record was 48, but did anyone have enough fuel in the tank to challenge.  Oh but yes, MetroDog cranked it out for a total of 49.  Great Job dude, guess the Q didn't push you hard enough.

6MOM (all x15IC)

Freddy Mercury, Low Flutters, Box Cutters, WWI situps, Jane Fonda's Left & Right, American Hammer

And that's your free workout gentlemen!


2 Corinthians 12:7-10:

Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.  Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me, but he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.  That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weakness, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.  For when I am weak, then I am strong.

While searching back thru old BBs and messages, I happened upon a message written by my sister from exactly one year ago.  It was day 17 of my neice's treatment and side effects were wreaking havoc on her body and growing concerns were weighing heavily on my sister.  She wrote that between 3-5 am were the darkest hours of her life, but at 5am she received a message from a good friend from out of the blue:

"Do not fear your weakness, for it is the stage on which My Power and Glory perform most brilliantly.  As you persevere along the path I have prepared for you, depending on my strength to sustain you, expect to see miracles – and you will.  Miracles are not always visible to the naked eye, but those who live by faith can see them clearly.  Living by faith, rather than sight, enables you to see My Glory"

We are all given our individual thorns of torment in this world, but it is how we live with these weaknesses that set us apart.  By Faith or by Sight?  I know which I will choose.  Do you?


It was an honor to lead today!