And a Good Friday to Ya’!

Event Date

Apr 14, 2017

What a great day to miss sleeping in! 

2 Pax showed up to sing some bells and then another showed up and then another showed up and then this what they did!

The Mustang Thang:

Warm Up Gauntlet:

Inchworms/Burpee BroadJumps (Someone forgot to bring the broads)/Lay-Ups (Someone called these the Gay Skippers, also added "No offense" so I think by Skipper he meant the noun, not the verb…)/Sampson Stretch (At this point someone mentioned that sretching during warm ups seems like a neat idea)/Kozac Stretch (Paused as we contemplated "Who is Kosac?"

Also discussed infections, tooth issues, and a possible case of face herpes. Probably want a second opinion on that one. Won't name names. 


Pick up your bells and carry them over head to the top corner of the practice field. For each exercise we carried the bell to the corners and midpoints of the football field. Have to get the farmer's carries in!

10 IC AKS (American Kettle Bell Swings

10 IC Front KBS (Doing a russian swing, let the weight propel you forward with a jump. Quad and calf burner!)

10 IC Side2Side Swings (Swing forward while jumping to the right, swing again while jumping to the left.)

2 Hims: 10 IC Pull Ups while the other 2 Pax do 15 kettle bell sit-ups. (Bertha couldn't figure out SPork's secret to such fast sit-ups! He'll take that one to the grave!)

10 IC KB Touch Merkins

10 IC Suit  Case Swings

10 IC Thrusters

!0 IC W Presses

10 IC Over the bridge Lunges – each leg

10 IC Hay Baylers

2 Hims at the pull-up Bar/Sit-ups

10 ICMerkins Supersetted with 10 KB Presses Supersetted with 5 IC Merkins supersetted with 5 IC KB Presses

And that's all we had time for.

Reflection Section:

A story from when I was young: A father had 2 sons with him at the pool. One was a new born and one was a toddler. The father was paying attention to the newborn while the toddler played on the bottom step of the pool. He couldn't go past that step because the water was too deep. The father noticed that it had gotten quiet where his son had been splashing. He looked and noticed that his son was standing on the bottom of the pool with the water over his head and his hands calmly waving back and forth over his head. The father frantically set down the newborn and ran to pull the boy out of hte water by his hands. Once out, the father asked the boy, "Are you ok? What happened?" "I slipped off of the step and I tried to open my mouth to call to you but the water came in and I couldn't breathe so I raised my hands because I knew that you would come save me." 

As men it is easy to "slip off the step," to want to cry out but not be able to. Other times we are on the outside, pulling people from the water. As lonely and difficult as it may be, remember this Easter that there has already been One who walked the path alone so that we don't have to. You always have your F3 Brothers, but when even they can't help you, there is always One who can.

Be good men!

Mole Skin:

  • Clark "School Bus! Weren't you the one hating on running yesterday?" School bus was wearing yet another marathon shirt…
  • Yes, someone was briefly diagnosed with face herpes by a trained medical proffessional. That Pax SWEARS it was an error. 
  • Spork quoted hefty twice "You know what Hefty always says, 'Don't cheat yourself.'" It was like Hefty was right there with us.
  • Spork also asked if the Q was just making up stuff. Q claimed he actually got the ideas from Pinterest. With Flowers
  • Bertha was working his tail off doing sit-ups to pass the bell back to Spork, only to find Spork sitting there, waiting on him. Turns out Spork didn't get the memo that he was also to do a sit-up. 
  • Some mumble chatter about favorite Far Sides. I think that should be part of the reflection for now on… Favorite Far Side Moments…