and a touch of Merkin

Event Date

Aug 12, 2020

5 of us moseyed and warmed up.  Eeyore arrived during the wiindmills which was right about on schedule.  from there we rapped up the warmup and started 2 rounds of box jumps, incline merkins, squats, abd dips.  Then moseyed to the cinders and picked our partner for the blacktop.  We did 3 rounds of decending curls, skull crushers, squats, lawn mowers, chest press, and WWIIs and between rounds ran to the other end of the lot for a variety of merkins and some dips.  After 3 rounds we did a few more curls just to be sure and put the blocks back.  More merkins and dips at the round picnic tables then everyone led a Mary exercise to take us to 6:45.


Its been great to work out with Turncoat and Heeley and welcome Placebo (known here as FNG-1) to F3.  Also great getting Turbo back out which wouldnt have happend without the 6:00 start time and then we got a Davidson commuter in Eeyore to join us which is always nice!  Great work today gents!