And the Caped Crusader Emerges from the Gloom

Following not registered: Hook, Governor, Baroo, Big Daddy, Big Unit, Red, C-Dog, Robin, Donovan, Caped Crusader

27, including FNG Caped Crusader, showed the world their skills on the football field.  Unfortunately, the TV crews got lost, so we'll have to roll it back in the next few weeks and try this again for the cameras and the ESPN highlight reel.


Joggedy jog to Broadway for warmorama under cover; Baroo (skins) and Big Daddy (shirts) picked teams while the pax warmed up with:  SSH x25, windmills x15, IST x15.  This eventually broke down into several minutes of controlled chaos.  Field was prepped and teams briefed on rules.  Team scored upon did a different exercise from the team who scored. You didn't want to be scored upon…

Team scored upon did these exercises…some were repeated:

Jack Webb to 5, Jump Lunges (15 each leg), Jump Squats 15, Groiners 15, Metro Burpees 15, 8-ct body builders to 10, Partner Lat raises 15, Decline merkins 15, Turkish Get-ups 7 each side.

Team who scored did these exercises…some repeated, if not number it was continued until the other team completed their exercise:

WWII sit-ups, Scorpion DD 15 each leg, Hand release merkins 15, Mason Twist, Mtn Climbers, Jiminy crickets 15, Plank Jacks, Freddie Merc, Tony Hawks

Shirts targeted Fenway (Skins ringer) with an early collision, which tipped the balance for a while.  The Shirts worked their way to a 6-4 lead before Skins learned about the merits of the short pass and scored the last 3 touchdowns of the game to win 7-6.

Final exercise for all pax, Jack Webbs to 8 (until time expired).

Final score:  Skins – Team Baroo 7 : 6 Shirts – Team Big Daddy

Final mileage on Garmin – 2 miles


Fenway – rest up and come back for disc golf competition…definitely a non-contact sport.

tclaps Catfish, for the extra credit miles before and after the workout.

So, Jethro and clowns, what took you so long? Couldn't find the football?  Lost the field?  Governor and Hook were fighting about who gets to it next to Daddy?

I thought the football might be easier to catch than the frisbee, but it was always wet and slipped through many sets of hands today, including mine on a sweet, over-the-shoulder pass from Outlaw; I'll give Kachow or Mary K some credit…one of them tackl…er, disrupted my concentration at the right moment.

Slugger – it's okay, brother.  It slipped through everyone's hands.  Don't retire because of one game. Catfish & Kachow represented the Hood well 🙂

Speed and youth on Skins made a difference.  Shirts didn't have enough answers for Big Unit, Red, Baroo, MK and family, and Kachow.

Hippie, Jethro and Governor were double agents; Hippie was a skin who never took off his fur coat…confusing.  Then he convinced Governor to hand him the ball mid-field, leading to a t-down.  I think Jethro (deep threat receiver and Outlaw's favorite target) was also duped by the devious Skins.

Waffle tried to include the WarBaby (Caped Crusader), but YHC wasn't having any of that.  I don't care how cute you are, kid. Not on my watch! The fans booed, but the interception stays in the stat sheet.

T-claps for taking us out, Mary Kay.  Good wrap-up.  

Great fun.  All 3 Fs present.  Let's meet back here next week for some more Adult (and kid) Recess.

Get Busy Livin'