I really thought Blackbeard would win this so I would not have to come up with a backblast that would be as witty as his but here goes.

YHC arrived just before 5 to put up net on hoop.  Four PAX arrived and ran standard…9 Lives , Mona Lisa, Frogger and Freedom.  I shot a few hoops to loosen the net then took a walk around the AO for ideas in case Blackbeard decided he wanted to play hoops during his half of the workout. Blackbeard showed up shortly there after and then the rest of the PAX started to roll in.  Blackbeard won the choice of AO so I got to pick when my turn would be and I went second. We circled up for a little warm-up not exactly sure what we did but I know we did not do any side straddle hops.  

Blackbeard started us off by having us count by seven into groups of three. One from each group grabbed a block and we headed to the parking lot where the hoops are.This was perfect since we started with 21 total until AM/PM showed up and threw off the count.  It ended up being OK because we found a place for him on one of the teams when we play three on three tournament when my turn started. Blackbeard had us line up with our groups on the school side of the parking lot and had one of our team go to the other side where the basketball hoops were. For the first round the person on the school side completed an exercise while the other walked across to the third member of the team doing a block exercise.  The third member on the other side was also doing a leg exercise until the block came to them in which they then switched, took the block and walked back doing same exercise until all three members got to do all three exercises.  I don’t remember exactly what all the exercises were but we did three separate rounds and in between the second and third round we ran a lap around the bus lot. Well, that’s not entirely true I do remember one of the exercises being JLO and that right there would’ve gotten Blackbeard‘s vote for me. Then we better all Bear crawled from the school side of the parking lot to the basketball hoops side of the parking lot and once there finished Blackbeard‘s turn with a little stretch then we commenced to playing a little three on three. We stayed in the same groups of three and again AMPM was added to one the teams.  The goal was to get in enough games for all packs to get a turn on the court so I figured first team to three points would be fine but we quickly learned that we might have to cut it to two because people were having a hard time hitting the rim that ended up working perfectly as all seven teams got a chance on the court.  While the games were going on the rest of the packs were to be in Al gore only coming up when a score was made. That didn’t last long seeing as how we had problems making baskets eventually we just started doing squats, monkey humpers, and other various exercises while we watched and cheered for the guys on the court. A couple of observations about this, we had three people dunk the ball during the game, Crocs, Mona Lisa 

and Etch.  Happy Gilmore commented that he needed to touch the ball once at the beginning because he would never touch it again then the first time he did touch it in the game and took a shot he swished it. We also learned that you need to be careful when playing basketball with Fenway as he likes to play Greco Roman wrestling style and put someone in a headlock while out on the court. After all teams got to play, Blackbeard and I each shot two free throws to see if we’d have to run sprints or suicides.   We had a little more time so AMPM also took a couple of free throws as well. All in all we ran two suicides then headed back toward the cars for circle of trust and vote. 

We had a lot of fun this morning and appreciate all the guys coming out to support myself and Blackbeard. In the end the votes were tallied and thankfully I did not lose two times in a row in the tournament.  Until next time, Amen