It’s been just over a year since I became Master Q of Hollywood.  It’s not a tough gig – I'm still pretty much riding the coattails of Hippie who got this thing going.  It’s never a chore to get Q’s – the PAX either respond quickly to requests, or seek out an opportunity without being asked.  (Speaking of – the calendar is open starting 7/26 – let me know if you want to Q – you might just get a WOODY.)

It’s amazing to see the growth of F3 – Hollywood was launched a few years ago to help with “problematic” workouts at Mad Scientist.  Now there’s Mighty Oak smack dab in between those 2 AO’s – and there’s strong numbers at Half Life and Stretch Armstrong on Wednesdays as well.  It might be time for a 4th bootcamp option on Wednesdays.  Anybody want to step up and make it happen?

Some stats for the last 54 posts at Hollywood:

I’ve been to 45 of the 54 workouts  Work or vacation took me out of town for 8, and once I missed when TWEETSIE and I switched spots (Mad-Scientist/Hollywood swap).  When I travel and I’ve been able to control itineraries – I’ve booked flights home on Tuesday night, or I've headed out later on Wednesday so I can post at HW.  

(These stats are pretty accurate – but potentially not 100% – apologies if I missed a VQ or an FNG naming along the way)

–          In addition to YHC there have been 37 other Q’s – who are listed in the PAX list above.  8 of those Q’s have led multiple times.  My sincere thanks to all of you. 

–          Total PAX = 1,209 an average of 22.4 per workout

–          Deep Dish and Tuffy had their virgin Q’s in the last year at Hollywood

–          FNG namings – Bouncy House, Jameson, Peddler and Yoda

And the WOODY goes to…..

Largest Number of PAX at a workout – FREEPASS

–          45 PAX came out to celebrate FREEPASS’s 4yr F3 anniversary and to get a glimpse of the best hair in LKN.

Most Q’s – AMEN and DEEP DISH (tie)

–          The winners are tied with 4 each

–          Thanks to other multiple leads – LANDLINE (2), OUTLAW (2), SOPRANO (2), T-BONE (3), TITAN (2 + next week 7/19) and TOXIC (2)

Best/Worst Substitute Q – BURNER

–          When Jolly Roger was under the weather, BURNER stepped in on short notice – and brought the Sharknado with him.  (I was in China for work – which was nearly an acceptable distance away from the Sharknado.)

Best Supporting Cast – MULTIPLE WINNERS

–          I’ve been involved in BRR the last two years – once as a driver and once as a runner, and will run again this year.  I sure as hell don’t do it for the running – it’s purely for the 2nd F.  When I put out the call to Team So CSAUP it Hurts – they didn’t disappoint.  Thanks – CURD, MAYHEM, OUTLAW, SPECIAL SAUCE, THE COUNT, THE GEEK and TITAN

Best Foreign Q – MAILMAN

–          Well – maybe not best – but farthest.  In an effort to reach out to our brothers to the north, I called in some Q’s from Davidson and Race City.

–          With three coming from Davidson – CURD, DUVALL and CREEPER – MAILMAN takes the WOODY coming all the way from RACE CITY.

–          Thanks for the lead boys – and I appreciate you having to set the alarm just a little bit earlier than normal on those days

Best Props – GNARLY GOAT & HIPPIE (tie)

–          GOAT wins for his classic Jug-a-lug beatdown.  People seem to love Goat’s jugs.

–          HIPPIE wins for setting the stage for DUVALL’s visit from The People’s Republic.  To make DUVALL feel at home – HIPPIE set up a table complete with candlelight, wine and cheese.  For a day – Hollywood was Davidson South. 

Angriest Q – CALYPSO

–          This was a landslide win for CALYPSO.  Following the demise of Gaga Version 1 – he took the Q at Hollywood.  His multiple pre-blasts dared the PAX to show up.  “Don’t show up – I’m not kidding” “This will suck – you will hate it” were two of his more inviting posts.  As the PAX showed up, he met each of us at our cars giving everyone one last opportunity to opt out.  I believe he had at least one taker.

–          Even with less than Open Arms – he got 16 PAX to post.  There were 13 other workouts that had 16 or fewer PAX this year.  Apparently, the PAX loves an angry Q.

Best Code Brown – THE COUNT

–          Details not available


To the WOODY winners and all of the Hollywood Q’s – as well as to all of the PAX – Thanks for all the posts, the leadership, the pushes and the gift that is F3.  I never take it for granted.

