And then we were one with the Earth…

Event Date

Dec 14, 2023


YHC was up late last night hosting an office Christmas gathering at the casa, then YHC went outside for about 20ish mins in hopes of watching the Geminid Meteor Shower.  Well with all the neighborhood Christmas lights and the streetlights it was difficult to see much.  YHC caught 1, maybe two shooting stars while laying flat on the ground across from Happy Gilmore’s house.  Felt a bit ridiculous and like someone might call 911, so YHC gave up and went to bed.  However, inspired by what YHC then read on Twitter, YHC created a plan B for Samson in the AM then went to sleep wondering if any pax would even show…

At 5:20 there were no cars in the lot at LFC, and YHC noticed many streetlights showering the parking lot with light.  Normally YHC would appreciate this, but not when there might be an epic meteor shower to take in.  YHC wondered still if anyone would show to take on the original weinke or the plan B weinke…

At 5:25, still no pax and YHC considered if YHC would go back to bed or take on plan B solo… would that be safe?

Alas, headlights at 5:26 as Drebin arrived!  Admittedly, YHC wasn’t sure if my emotions were that of relief or dread… but YHC knew one thing:  Plan B was ON.

Everything happens for a reason.  Last night’s miss on seeing the meteor shower, coming up with a plan B, only Drebin posting, and now Drebin stating he wasn’t feeling 100% and hoped YHC’s plan wouldn’t be too much for him (yeah, right – like YHC could come up with anything too hard for DREBIN!).  So it was meant to be…

To ensure we didn’t exit the AO before any tardy pax arrived, we did a short lap, moseyed down to the LFC entrance, did some warm-o-rama exercises and monitored the entrance.  As we stopped here Drebin spotted not just a deer but a BUCK.  Huge one, and a nice rack – we definitely noticed.  No more pax, so we’re off.

Across into Cedarfield, right down the greenway and about 1/2 to 3/4 mile down the path take a right and follow the path to the new greenway parking lot.  No streetlights, perfect size parking lot to clear just enough trees, and truly no light around.  Here is where Drebin and YHC would lie down beside one another and…

The Moleskine:

Really nothing to share here.  Thanks for reading.