Angry Q at the Rock

Event Date

Aug 30, 2016

Five men gathered this morning to throw some metal bells around while 9 others ran in circles preparing to run up and down some very big mountains.

They say that a person should not go shopping when they are hungry.  I guess it should be said that an angry person should not design a workout. Or one of my favorite lines from the movie "groundhog day",,,, dont drive angry.   Resting is not one of my favorite things to do when training and it often causes some complaints and true to form the rest was minimal,, but we did a bit of resting while running around the Fountain. 


Everything done in cadence unless noted

Side straddle Hops- 25

Windmills – 10

Americans – 10

mosey around the fountain

The Thang

Over head presses – 10

curls – 10

skull crushers – 10

Mosey around fountain

goblet squats – 10

alternating lunges – 10

step up – 10

Kettle Bell swings – 10

one arm row – 10

one arm row – 10

mosey around fountain

Dips with bells – 10

Decline Americans – 10

Bell Web – 5

Goblets squats – 10

alternating lunges – 10

Mosey around fountain

Overhead presses – 10

curls – 10

upright rows – 10

one arm clean and jerk – 10

one arm clean and jerk – 10

goblet squats – 10

step ups – 10

calf raises – 10

mosey around fountain

dips (with Bells) – 10

decline mericans – 10

Bell Webs – 10

skull crushers – 10

goblet squats – 10

alternating lunges – 10

mosey around fountain

kettle bell swings – 10 oyo

Overhead presses – 10

Bell press – 10

Dips – 10

pull overs – 10


LBC – 25

Low Flutter – 20

Mason twist – 15

WWII – 10

Elbow plank – 1 min 30 sec

recover recover

Great job done by all. I enjoy having the opurtunity to lead this group of fine men in the morning workout. LoveShack said it best to me one morning.  He was going to provide an easy workout but he said he couldn't let the guys down becasue he felt he owed them a good workout. I try to live up to this example. Music was provided for a short while when a guy in a truck parked in front of us.  At first he turned the truck off but then turned it back on after Manhands told him to keep the music playing.  It seems this guys wasnt sure if he could trust us, and he kept his eye on the truck while buying his bagels.  But it gets better…. when he came out our normally humble and quiet Manhands walked over to him and said,,,, wait for it,,,,, you should join the workout group,,, it is free and it looks like you need it.  The guy didnt know what to do,,, but eventually agreed after sizing up our quite large Manhands.  Manhands stayed  true to form during the remainder of the workout and kept the banter alive and any lull was short lived due to Mailman stirring the pot to start him up again.  Mailman chimed in at the appropriate moments and reminded me that certain exercises were not his favorite.   Dewey was extremely quiet and easily pushed through in good form.  Brushless came to life and proved that he is serious about these workouts.  Near the end some of the running crowd -Londown Whale, Crack, Nymph- (to the best of my recollection,,, remind me of any others) joined in for the last round.  But most stood off in the distance and hid behind the trees. 

Thanks for the chance to lead this fine group of men