27 PAX came out for the naming day anniversary of “Amen”. Warmup Psalm 118:24SSH x 25Cotton pickers x 15IST x15Toy Soldier x 15Merkins x 10Squat x 10The ThangPartner up by the TheaterPartner 1 runs around the Christmas tree and back while partner 2 does exercise. Then partner 2 runs while partner 1 does exercise.As team do 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBCMosey down to Victoria Secret and do 20 monkey humpersMosey over to wall by ramp and do:People’s chair w/ 15 air pressBalls to the wallRepeato the wall exercisesSprint to theater, back to wall, back to theater.MaryJLo x 15Shoulder touch merkins x 15Low flutter x 10Pickle pounders x 15Modified W x 15SSH x 25Crunchy frog x 20Recover, RecoverRevelation 5:13-14COTMoleskineI first want to thank Goat for getting me out here and encouraging me to keep on.Thanks to Hippie who was MQ the first time I came here and Holiday who took over from Hippie and gave me this opportunity to lead this morning.One year and 40 pounds I cannot believe it. M still thinks I have 40 to go!This week I am duplicating the workouts that I did that first week one year ago. I found the backblasts for Arnie’s Army and Foundry on Friday. I had to do today’s from memory.The one thing I remember we did last year is the partner exercises.I appreciate the PAX that showed up to support me this morning and all throughout the past year.I said it this morning and will reiterate the two things I was told at the beginning. You vs. You and No man left behind.Remember to come out to LFC on Friday at 5:10am for the Foundry.Enjoy the rest of Amen Week!!!Oh yeah. GO COWBOYS!!!!