Anniversary Q, Lets run!

22 Pax showed up to start their week right by getting their legs moving.

6 met a 2.1-2.2 Mile Standard (Jedi, Freepass, Calypso, Professor, Burner, YHC)



Mosey from the cars to the back parking performing butt kickers, high knees, karaoke.

Bear crawl the corners of the final two islands (first of many BS calls) until we reach the pull up bars



20 IC Cotton Pickers



The Thang

Each lap around each island represents a new exercise.  Run around the closest island and finish back at the pull up bars

At the pull up bars perform the following

50 squats. Repeato

Increase the distance by running to/around the next island

Stack the exercises 50  Squats 40 LBCs

Increase the distance . Run to and around the third island

Stack the exercises 50  Squats, 40 LBCS, 30 Mericans

Increase the Distance. Run to and around the fourth island

Stack the exercises 50 Squats, 40 LBCs, 30 Mericans, 20 Burpees

 Incease the Distance. Run to and around the fifth island

Stack the exercises  50 Squats, 40 LBCs, 30 Mericans, 20 Jump Squats (audible), 10 Pull ups
***Majority of work was done with Pax taking turns working on their Cadence

300 Squats 160 LBCS, 90 Mericans, 20 Burpees, 20 Jump Lunges, 10 Pull ups 


Mosey to the Rock Pile near the entrance of the Church

Grab a screw your neighbor rock.

21’s (7 IC low curls, 7 IC high curls, 7 IC full curls)

15 IC Overhead Press

12 IC Skull Crushers

15 IC Full Curls

10 IC Overhead Press

10 IC Skull Crushers

7 IC Full Curls

7 IC Skull Crushers

7 IC Overhead Press

Mosey back to the parking lot for Mary



40 IC Low Flutters  (YHC)

20 IC Dying Cockroach (Travolta)

30 Second Plank

Recover Recover



-It was an honor to lead a strong group of men on my F3anniversary

– It has been an amazing journey since from my first post at GCC. I could barely move for 2 days after a Firestone beatdown (he likes burpees), and was unsure if I was able to continue forward.  The strong EHing from Ramrod and Big Perm is something I am forever grateful.  F3 has given to me so much more than my fitness.  It has blessed me with a stronger relationship with Christ, introduced me to extraordinary individuals, and helped develop my family in ways I did not think were possible.   I constantly reflect on the spiritual growth, adventures, and fellowship that have occurred in the past year, and can’t help but see the blessing and Grace that comes with being part of F3.  Physically I have lost around 40 lbs, spiritually I have gained more than can measured.  I am thankful for you all, and I hope I can give back what you all have given me.  

