Annual Brickmas Tree

The Thang:

Warm Up:  No warm-up required with hardened men.


  • 5 burpees

  • 10 merkins w/b, 5 burpees

  • 15 skull crushers w/b, 10 merkins w/b, 5 burpees

  • 20 dips w/b, 15 skull crushers w/b, 10 merkins w/b, 5 burpees

  • 25 CDDs, 20 dips, 15 skull crushers, 10 merkins, 5 burpees

  • 30 squats, 25 CDDs, 20 dips, 15 skull crushers w/b, 10 merkins w/b, 5 burpees

  • 1 min plank, 30 squats, 25 CDDs, 20 dips, 15 skull crushers, 10 merkins, 5 burpees

  • 40 bicep curls/peoples chair w/b, 1 min plank, 30 squats, 25 CDDs, 20 dips, 15 skull crushers, 10 merkins, 5 burpees

  • 45 mason twists w/b, 40 bicep curls/peoples chair, 1 min plank, 30 squats, 25 CDDs, 20 dips, 15 skull crushers, 10 merkins, 5 burpees

  • 50 SSH’s w/b, 45 mason twists, 40 bicep curls/peoples chair, 1 min plank, 30 squats, 25 CDDs, 20 dips, 15 skull crushers, 10 merkins, 5 burpees

  • 55 LBCs w/b, 50 SSH’s, 45 mason twists, 40 bicep curls/peoples chair, 1 min plank, 30 squats, 25 CDDs, 20 dips, 15 skull crushers, 10 merkins, 5 burpees

  • 60 lunges w/b, 55 LBCs, 50 SSH’s, 45 mason twists, 40 bicep curls/peoples chair, 1 min plank, 30 squats, 25 CDDs, 20 dips, 15 skull crushers, 10 merkins, 5 burpees


In total:

60 burpees

110 merkins

150 skull crushers

180 dips

200 CDDs

210 squats

6 minutes of elbow plank

200 people’s chair bicep curls

180 mason twists

150 SSHs

110 LBCs

60 Lunges




  • Primo surprised there was a repeating pattern

  • Shaken was an expert at the 50 second plank (there is no truth to the rumor 60 became 70 seconds to make up for the shortfall)

  • It's not hard to guess which 4 ran 2 miles AFTER the workout