Another arrow in the quiver

13 coffee drinker showed up for more than just coffee. We gathered on the fake grass. At 5:01 we shot out like a cannon headed towards the parking just over the greenway on Northcross Drive. 

To the surprise of the PAX we started our warm up with……side straddle hop!  Then a few oldies but goodies…..IST, Toy Soldier, Windmill and Mountain Climbers. 

Axle pulled out his AARP card and claimed the windmill was too fast.  Oh well.

We rolled out and headed for the MOB at the end of Northcross.  There we circled up in lot for Mericans, squats and crunches.

Then stuff got real.  A new arrow was found in the Java quiver.  We headed across the street Stratford Ferry and made the tear drop loop.  Little did I know we would encounter some great hills for the BRR’s in the crowd.

We circled back in the parking lot.  T-claps to the speedsters for commencing with some more crunches as the 6 made its return.  We then did some Shoulder Touch Mericans, Apollo Ohno and pretzel crunches.  

For a final desent we return to the fake grass via Northcross through the office park across the greenway up past Dick’s to Midwood and back up the main drag.  Running wrapped up with one loop around the fountain to insure 3 miles.

Lastly, we circled up under the tent for Mary Medley of low dolly, homer to marge and box cutters.


T-claps to Blackbeard and his WOTP campaign; as well as, all the PAX who have earned a patch or made a monetary donation!

So glad that tagless stepped up to Q next week!

TAP sent up for Holiday and family as they grieve the loss of his FIL!

Always an honor to lead such a fine group of men!


The Count



