Another cold Java

Event Date

Dec 01, 2022


Ten men ventured into the cold gloom known as Java.  

We met up at Starbucks in Birkdale and then did a slow mosey to the Walgreens. Along the way Lonestar comes in hot and a little later then his normal 5:31! 

Warmarama at Walgreens.  Side straddle hop x15, Longsnappers x15, 15 Imperial Storm Trooper, 10 Windmills.

We ventured on a very familiar route for Java.  Run up 73 to the fountain.  10 merkins, 20 LBCs.

Run to Elevation.  10 wide merkins, 20 LBCs.  

Run to the park.  10 incline merkins, 20 LBCs. 

Reverse back the way we came and back to Elevation.  10 diamond merkins, 20 LBCs. 

Run back to the fountain.  10 merkins, 20 Freddy Mercury!

Back to home base to finish out the 5K. 

Moleskin:  AOL apparently doesn’t check the forecast as he showed up in shorts and t-shirt.  No hat and no gloves!  Thing was he never looked cold…. but he did leave pretty quick so maybe he was. 

Omega and Soprano were up front racing as usual. 

Good to see Ultraman, Die Hard, Snakeeyes and Mulligan venturing north a little.  

KleanUp steady as usual. 

Lonestar will make up for the lateness by Qing in the next few weeks.  

Thanks to Omega for taking us out in COT and thanks to Die Hard for the coffee!  

Don’t forget the Christmas Party tomorrow night!