Another Fine Morning in the Hollywood Hills (aka Parking Ramp)

+ Big Spud


Couldn't ask for better weather as 13 pax joined their Hollywood VQ for a post election beat down.



Mosey to the parking lot:

  • SSH X 25

  • Windmill X 20

  • Cotton Picker X 12

  • IST X 12


The Thang:

Mosey to parking ramp by Dick's

  • Burpee ladder (10 LBCs at road level, Quadrophelia up the ramp for Burpees on top level, run down, repeato)


Mosey to Rubbermaid parking lot

  • Partner up for wheelbarrows (2 rounds each)


  • Partner 1: run a lap within the parking lot

  • Partner 2: Merkins

  • Switch until 150 is reached cumulative


  • Partner 1: run a lap within the parking lot

  • Partner 2: Squats

  • Switch until 200 is reached cumulative


Mosey back to the parking lot by the theater

  • 4 rounds of sprints within the parking lot


Mosey back to fountain



  • WW II set-ups x 12

  • Low flutters x 15

  • Box cutters x 15 care of Ultraman

  • Elbow plank



  • Wasted no time getting started this am, and got off to a quick counting cadence (think it was Hippie who advised a "slow down" a couple Windmills in)

  • Not an official BS call, but saying "we're going to do a little Burpee Ladder' resulted in some mumble chatter, how bad could it be, it's "a little" Burpee Ladder

  • Pax took care of business this am, worked hard, and I appreciate the support

  • Hollywood is a great AO, glad to get this one back on my schedule

  • Thank you Hippie for the opportunity to Q – it was an honor and a pleasure