Another Mission Accomplished at Hope House Huntersville

Mission Number Two of 2022 for Hope House In Huntersville started with an outdoor coffeeteria and fire pit.  YHC met Smokey and his 2.0 Bear at 7:30 am sharp to ensure a warm cozy fire was ready for the PAX when they arrived at 8:15am.  Thanks to Smokey for the advance delivery of firewood several days prior and ensuring it stayed dry by keeping it covered…great call there.

PAX started promptly arriving at 8:15am for their morning cup of Joe and bagels.  Great fellowship around the fire pit was had by all.  Goat confessed to an intentional FS that morning with plans of getting in 6 miles later in the day.  Roughly 20 minutes into fellowship and Canuck was ramped up and ready to go and tackle the first service project while we awaited for the 9am arrival of "The Hammer" – Debbie O'Handley the Executive Director.  

PAX gathered around the fire pit for a few group photos and Debbie proceeded to provide the game plan for the day.  4 Key projects were in order: 

  1. A few more Goodwill runs to clear unneeded furniture and miscellaneous household items in order to make room in the main house
  2. The most time consuming and tedious project of the day was the assembly of an Ikea Hutch cabinet which Jersey Boy quickly volunteered to do – a perfect fit and job for JB!
  3. Some touch up painting was needed in the main house as the residents are very hard on trim and doors.  GrayGhost's 2.0's were another perfect fit for this work! 
  4. Lastly 3 Sterlite Storage Shelves with Doors needed assembly and placed on the back deck of each cottage.

Thanks to Goat, BlackBeard, Smokey and Canuck for the multiple Goodwill runs and bringing the full-sized pickups!  Those trucks have proved invaluable for service projects around the property. Thanks to GrayGhost, Thug, Smokey, Bear (2.0), Goat for quick assembly of the storage units.  Thanks to all the men for the heavy lifting of furniture and haul away…awesome work


  • YHC's funnest part of the day was a drive over to Goodwill as Goat's co-pilot.  As expected, we continued on our 70's kick and it quickly turned to game shows and Bob Barker on the Price is Right.  I swear Goat has a photographic memory as he recalled so many details on the Price is Right down to Bob Barkers shoe size. 
  • Funniest moment of the the day was a quick dialogue between Debbie and Goat around her vision of having chickens on the property…..she expressed her concern to Goat about predators on the property who may harm said chickens and in perfect Goat-style, he replied something like – "when you get tired of the chickens you let them loose and the predators will take care of them".  Hilarious! 
  • A quick and coincidental encounter at Goodwill with Canuck and BlackBeard who apparently just hung out at Dunkin' Donut across from Goodwill since they didn't open until 10am.  2 pickups were quickly unloaded and mission was accomplished
  • Jersey Boy gets the patience award for spending 4 hours assembling a beautiful piece from Ikea for one of the cottages….awesome work JB
  • YHC sat briefly and oversaw GrayGhost's assembly of the storage shelving and tried to be helpful but Ghost was the brains behind it.
  • Smokey and his 2.0 may have been the first to complete their storage unit but can't remember, they may have tied Goat and Thug.
  • Thank you to Smokey and is 2.0 Bear for arriving early to ensure our fire was roaring by 8:15am.
  • GrayGhost's 2.0's work was key in keeping up the needed painting touch ups for the residents

PICS of the days events are here:

Overall awesome and fun day was had by all!

Thanks to all who came out and served at Hope House!
