Another Round for Zippy

Event Date

Jul 10, 2021


5 gathered from the gloom, hoping to lift stuff, stretch stuff, pull stuff, slam stuff, and sweat just a wee bit.  Pleasantries and hello quickly turned to the task at hand.  It went a little something like this:

Warm Up:
SSH, windmills, merkins, dippy birds, air squats

Parking Lot *fun*:
(do something going up the parking lot and mosey back)
high knees
butt kickers
karaoke right/left
*** and on to the fun stuff
bear crawls up, crawl bear back if you like
dragon walk  #CrowdPleaser
burpee broad jump

YHC ***very quietly*** plays the 117 song rockin' playlist, pointing speaker away from New Grumpy Ol' Family

Let's get a little circuit going with some weights.
Timer = 10 Bennifers
slam ball fun
30# curls
15# wide lat lifts/front lifts
25# clean and press

*** #resourcefulness Chumbawumba Tubthumping "I get knocked down, but I get up again" produces 26 burpees x 5 pax for Zippy
playlist back on random

Repeat-o on the circuit
repeat-o on the quadraphelia

YHC gives the pax the option of another quick circuit or 10 MOM.
Anvil ponders and says, "or we could do another round for Zippy"…and literally less than 1 second later, before anyone has any comment, Chumbawumba answers for us.  More burpees for Zippy!  26 x 4 this time.  Pax X had to leave a touch early #showtoknow 

reflection:  Matthew 13:3-8
"3 Then he told them many things in parables, saying: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. 4 As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. 5 Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. 6 But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. 7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. 8 Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown."
– YHC has Ted Nugent's "Stranglehold" on the playlist…SUCH AN AMAZING ROCK 'N ROLL JAM…
– Heard it a couple days prior, and the concept of being strangled and being prevented from doin' your thing reminded me of the parable of the 4 types of seed…specifically the seed that fell on the soil with thorns, grew a bit, and then lost focus and was choked out by the weeds.
– Had me reflecting about what things are in my life right now that are preventing me from being the man God made me to be.
– What has me in a Stranglehold?
– What has you in a Stranglehold?  Don't be choked out.
– I pray the Holy Spirit works on you a little bit to open your eyes to some things that may be preventing you from honoring God or serving others.


– Anvil really needs to work on his counting.  After he asks YHC how many Bennifers are needed for the timer, YHC foolishly throws out a "you probably can't do more than 10 anyways"…well, that was a plural you/we/normal people statement, and let's just say Anvil took a little bit offense at the implication…His "10" turns to 15 or so just to teach us a lesson.  YHC regrets the extra soreness caused by such a silly nudge.

– Tonka fesses up that he missed last week on purpose because he thought the pre-workout sprint triathlon was going to be the workout.  Understood Bud.  My bad on the mis-communication.  Glad you risked it and came back this week….and just when the scabs from the last Bennifers were healing, dangit!!

– Salty was first on the Bennifers and slicked up the "elbow pads" real nice like.  He giggled a bit thinking about how gross they would be by the end of round 1.  More of a #QFail than anything, meant to bring the other ones.  #resourcefulness…Anvil saves the day with a towel for our elbows.  Bennifers don't play 'round.  They stay with you for a few days as a layer or two of skin repairs itself.

– Shirley is glad that we didn't play "Like a River", "Like a Shiver", OR "Stand and Deliver" as the musical play of the day.  He BEASTS out a 5k run, 1/2 mile swim, and a 10-ish mile mtn bike ride before the workout with YHC.  Highlight of the tri had to be his new fahncy safety swim-along bladder…despite the incredibly awkward marketing pics (that DID NOT look like Anvil…), Shirley rocked the swim as always.

– Mulligan does the run and swim with Shirley and YHC.  Then boogies down to Mustang to cavort with the other cool guys in Denver.  

Good times and mucho sweat was had by all —

Such an honor to lead this group of guys,
: )