Another soft workout?

5:00am Standard with 6 pax for a casual stroll up Devonshire

5:30am the parking lot filled with a surprise almost 20 pax. When we starting running a group missed the first turn and went out to the main road, they got lost for about 45 minutes but luckily made it back by 6:15 for namorama!

The Thang:

Nothing complicated or cute just some station rotation with block, bells, and body weight after a little warmorama.

Round 1:

  • Curls x20, Swings x20, Squat to Press x15, Lawn mowers x15, followed by recover merkins x13 in cadence 
  • Run a lap down and around to the pullup bars 10 pullups, 15 squats, 10 pull ups, 10 burpees, run across the field and back to the bells to repeato

Round 2 and 3 were same as above with a little bit of adding reps and talking junk

Round 4 we added 25 step ups each leg on the way to the pull up bars

When the clock struck 6:15am we wrapped up and got out on time.


  • Great to see so many guys in the gloom pushing themselves in bootcamps and a run
  • Tclaps to Matlock for a 3:11 marathon, no easy task for any man! 
  • Black Friday is coming and Ego is the leaf blower to buy
  • Not a lot of TB12 fans and a lack of respect for a 45 year old guy leading a game winning drive 
  • Perrier is leading the F3 volunteer opportunity for Huntersville Half, step up and see him for details
  • Speak of Stepping Up talk to Lego about doing a few of those this Thursday for Chad 1000x, 5:15am Dragon Slayer
  • New website is live, long live Isotope and we all pour a little out for our homie F3LKN, RIP LKN.
  • According to one newer pax “This was the easiest workout I have been to yet” that means I am keeping my “Squishmellow” F3 name for a bit longer. The next time I will try to make it harder.