Answering a question nobody asked until today

Event Date

Jan 04, 2019

6 men came out in the rain to answer the age old question  – can you do 1000 reps with a Kettle Bell with a warm up and Mary in 45 minutes? Read to the end to find out…




Zamperini from parking lot to the covered picnic area 




Cotton Pickers 15 IC

Windmills 15 IC

Arm circles 


The Thang 

YHC challenged the Pax to do 1000 reps of 4 KB exercises. We spread out and took the challenge:


250 KB Swings

250 KB Curls

250 KB Squats

250 KB Press 




Low Flutter 

Pretzel Crunch

Zamperini or Farmers Carry back to parking lot



Admittedly, this wasn’t the most creative workout ever created. However, it was a smoker and the Pax avoided the rain mostly.  


There were different approaches to completing the reps. Olive and YHC opted for the traditional route of doing the 250 of each exercise sequentially before moving to the next one. The rest of the group did a little of each exercise to break it up. I can’t say which was the better choice but the other Pax finished before us. I don’t know if anyone else was slinging a 35 lb bell like Olive though? Strong work by all. 


To answer the original question – yes. You can do 1000 reps in 45 mins with a warm up and Mary. 


This is a great AO and the calendar is wide open for Q spots. As Jocko would say “Get Some”

