Anvil’s VQ – Soggy Tabata Circuit Combo

Event Date

Oct 08, 2016


7 soggy sons braved Matthew on this fine Saturday morning. Thanks to those that came to inaugurate my first Q. Atlantis had to leave early when his pooch turned up missing and his wife came inquiring. Pooch's come first!

Warm up with side straddle hops, toe touches, arm circles, merkens, and mountain climbers before taking a stroll to the back and finding a piece of concrete we all like.

First up was a Tabata round with burpees, curls, merkens, hi/lo planks….rinse and repeat.

Next was a 6 station partner circuit as follows:
#1 One partner in plank while the other hopped repetitively back and forth or side to side over them (then switch)
#2 Wheelbarrow merkens for one while the other held his feet and shrugged (then switch)
#3 Lying leg lifts for one while the other three his partners feet violently towards the ground (then switch)
#4 Block squat and press while the other did block curls
#5 The centerpiece of the workout was dead lifting my 80# Anvil while the other did triceps presses (then switch)
#6 Finally, back to back standing Mason twists with a block…first left, then right

Each station was 30 sec on and 10 sec rest then switch. 4 total rounds.

Finished off with the repeat Tabata and a run back to return the blocks. Special thanks to Metro dog for carrying the extra load and Cheetah for helping the 2.0.

Thought of the day had to come from St. Matthew….Chapter 11, verse 29
"Take my time upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart; and find rest unto your souls."
We all need good partners to get through life. We have our dark days with hurricane winds and rain and there are likely tough ones ahead. But we are yoked with Christ who can help us get through anything because He went through it all. He didn't say to "Take a seat on my couch…" but to take His YOKE. That means work! Be a good neighbor, husband, father and son and always remember that you ARE your brother's keeper. It is the least we can do for all that He did in atoning for our shortcomings.

God bless those in danger from this weather. May we all remember them and seek to serve those less fortunate or in their dark times.
