AO Hotspot Work

FNG is Ponch – register brother

11 men, beautiful weather, great AO, lots of toys, good times 

Warm up


15 x Mtn Climbers IC

15 x ISW IC #SlowestCountEverInducesLowSquats

15 x Air Squared (In a peoples chair position air claps (4 count) IC

Grab agility ladder and run around parking lot clockwise

The Thang

Stop @ sidewalk – partner up

Set 1) 20 WW1 situps (swap) and 20 IC x Curb calf raises

Setup agility ladder – Set 2) 15 Derkins IC and 20 LBCs IC

@ downunder bars – Set 3) 20 Squats IC and 20 IC down unders

@ loading dock scaling wall along the way – Set 4) 20 wall sit air presses and  10 diamond merkins

@ garden square – Set 5) 20 Inclined merkins IC and 20 jumpups

@ circle – Set 6) One lap and 10 reverse crunches

@ tennis courts Set 7) 20 Dips IC and 20 fence kicks


20 x Low flutter IC

20 x Low plank knee-ups IC

20 x low dolly IC

20 x dying cockroaches IC

Around the horn

10 x Jane Fonda L & R

10 x LBCs

20 x Low plank knee-ups IC #InsertPeterParkerJokes



(Romans 12:11-15 NLT)

Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality. Bless those who persecute you. Don’t curse them; pray that God will bless them. Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep.

Devout Christian, new believer or non-beliver if we lived the values in theses verses the world would be a better place. AYE


  • Ran right through exercises leaving additional time for ab work

  • Need to get the AO toys back where they belong so we can use them

  • YHC provided plenty of pop-offs, sorry Stitches

  • Outstanding weather this morning but low turnout

  • Half asleep this morning so sound off on what I missed