6 men, including 1 FNG, rose to shake off the Monday Murph soreness. It went like this.
- 15 SSH IC
- Arm Circles
- 15 Windmills IC
- 15 G’ma Maters IC
The Thang
- Mosey to the binches
- 10 Dips IC
- 10 Step Ups (each leg) OYO
- Repeato x3
- Mosey to the bus lot flowerbed
- 10 Merkins (incline/decline/regs) IC
- 20 Calf Raises
- Repeato x3
- Mosey to the corner of the building
- 50 LBCs IC
- Mosey to the band hill
- 1 Minute Wall Sit
- Quadrophelia
- Repeato x3
- Mosey to the DU bars
- 10 DU’s IC (overhand/underhand/beer can)
- 10 Monkey Humpers IC
- Mosey to the launch pad
- 30 LBCs IC
- 10 Freddie’s IC
Reflection – Psalm 22:5 – They cried to you and were saved; inyou they trusted and were not disappointed
MC – Show to know. FNG is Abel. His brother from FL region EH’d him and suggested he find us. He’s the father of a 2 year old and has his second child due 2/15. He lives on the Lincolnton/Maiden border, works uptown in IT services. We’re planning to name him Monday….come on out and be part of the fun!
Pleasure to lead these fine men. Namaste, Bertha