Event Date

Apr 21, 2023

The Annual AOtoAOtoAO AAR

What was expected to occur: Committed PAX post to meat locker, within the confines of a half marathon in length,  ruck safely to each AO.

What really happened: 10 Pax posted where one dropped at the 25% mark to meet other obligations. Covered approximately 15.5 miles where extra smiles were courtesy of an out and back down governors island to ensure SVU would be close to halfway point.

What went wrong: A train blocked the preferred route for some so choice was made that we’d stick to the asphalt for the duration. Lack of adult hydration planned but adjustments were made  

What went well: Loads of 2nd F, kotters and good awareness of the cars that weren’t aware of us. 9 crossed the finish line stronger physically and mentally than they began special props to big V for hydration station. 
