Appetite for Hollywood

19 gloom warriors, including Code Blue’s twin 2.0’s (FNGs 1 and 2) and Three-Rivers (FNG-3), took a red carpet ride of Guns-N-Roses history tour through the Hollywood AO.



·    Gather at fountain and mosey to north side movie theater lot. YHC informed by Master Q emeritus Hippie “that’s not where we normally start”.

·      SSHs x 25 IC, Toy Soldiers x 10 IC, ISTs x 15 IC, Cotton Pickers  x 15IC, Mountain Climbers x 20 IC



Appetite for Destruction

  • Mosey to greenway w/hill:
  • Pax informed that Guns-N-Roses debut album Appetite for Destruction was released in July 1987.
  • Album had 12 tracks with 6 on each side.
  • Ladder as follows:
    • Run to top of greenway hill 6 burpees (Mr. Brownstone)
    • Run to bottom of hill 6 plank-jacks (Paradise City)
    • 12 squats (Sweet Child O Mine)
    • Repeat ladder dropping one burpee and adding one plank-jack  5-7 / 4-8…1-11 and keeping 12 squats on each cycle
  • Plank / Downward Dog / Upward Dog / Pigeon / Al Gore while awaiting the six


Use Your Illusion I, II (and III)

  • Mosey to rock pile
  • Partner up—size does not matter
  • Partner 1 collects rock and meets Partner 2 in parking lot
  • Dora 1, 2, 3:
    • 100 Skull Crushers, 200 Bent Over Rows, 300 Curls
    • Partner #2 runs to light at end of block and back while Partner #1 starts rock exercise
    • Flip-Flop until all 600 reps combined complete
  • Return rocks and mosey to Pure Bar
  • Monkey Humpers x 15 IC
  • Sprint to Fountain



·         Low Flutter x 20 IC, Crunchy Frog x 15 IC



  • Great effort by all with a lot of running in muggy conditions. YHC heard Blackbeard ask for three miles and the Salty One was not disappointed.
  • Frontier, Amen and Tagless ran standard prior to launch
  • Code Blues twin 2.0s (Stars and Stripes) brought the youth and speed. Sibling rivalry on full display during sprint to the fountain. Great work by both! Despite attempts to separate the younger/faster runners during Dora, twins managed to partner up #StrongDNA
  • Prayers for Pierogi and his family as they mourn the loss of his father.
  • YHC had trivia ready to test the Pax G-n-R knowledge. For those who care to be well informed, both Axl Rose and Izzy Stradlin were natives of Lafayette, IN—also home to Purdue University where YHC spent two years in graduate school. Deep Dish would have certainly known this as he will attest to “partying” with Axl back in the day.
  • Thanks to Gnarly Goat for the privilege of leading at this AO. Happy to support your new Master Q and longstanding efforts to bring fitness and leadership to LKN.




