25 Warrior emerged from the gloom to tackle the April edition of THE Horseshoe and are most definitely better for it.

The Thang:

Mosey to the Thoroughfare

Calf stretches 


Long Snappers X 10

IST X 10

Windmills X 10

Mosey to the base of THE Hill

1st 7 back do 10 rock shoulder presses

THE HORSESHOE EXERCISES – 20 reps each lap for 100 Total

Carolina Dry Docks



Crunchy Frogs


Mosey to the Fire Station

Low Flutter X 20

Pretzel Crunch X 10 each side

Freddie Mercuries X 20

Touch 'Dem Heels X 20

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey back to Launch


Naked Man Moleskin:

1) Holiday has the Q next week

2) Thanks to Gnarly Goat for the Q last week in my absence

3) We are collecting funds for a tip for Lise our Barrista – before or at the next PAINinsula workout

4) JazzHands loves him some bicycle

5) Swamp Fox remains unregistered

6) Multiple HATES at the workout today – made me feel older than usual

7) Hippie is a Medium for anyone interested in gettting him a shirt. Shirts that run a little bigger I think he could rock a small


As always, it was an honor and privilege to leas this group of men today!



