April 29th 1992

Event Date

Apr 29, 2023

April 29th 1992

There was a riot on the streets tell me where were you.

In this Sublime song the first spot they hit was the liquor store… so we do some tubthumping

I get knocked down (do a burpee) but I get up again…

The next stop Sublime hit was the music shop and it only took one brick to make the window drop… so here we are with Moby Flower, yep, green Sally up with Merkins. Though doing something with blocks would also be appropriate.

It was so much fun that Spork requested that we do the song again, but this time with squats.

After unloading the van Bradley realized that his home needed new home furnishings and I tried to think of something to do here, but I’m drawing a blank on what exercise we can do regarding buying furniture, so this is where this fun ends.

I open the Q up to whoever wants to help spread the love.

Mater quickly grabs it before I do something else stupid and leads us down to the blocks. We each grab a block and head to the top for 5 more.


Skull crushers

Over head press

Milk jugs

YHC meanwhile is playing some Spotify with tunes by our very own SubZero (Simplified is his band)

Mater then leads us around to the bus lot where we do:

High Knees

Butt kickers

Side shuffles

Karaoke right, left

Runs at 50, 75, 100%

Run back to the blocks for some more of 5 more

This time Mater goes all dictator; if you call stop he made us do burpees.

5 more curls

Someone calls stop so we do Burpees

5 more bent over rows

Maybe one more thing, squats??

Then Mater hands the reins to Bertha who takes us over to the pull-up bars for 5 rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats as a little warmup for the 5 Murphs every Monday in May.

Spork grabs the next few minutes for a Quadraphilia suicide drill with 5 burpees at the top.

Clark changes the tunes to a Christian workout Spotify playlist called “Beast Mode Christian”, it’s pretty good, check it out.

Next we move into 6MOM

Mary go round as everyone calls out an an exercise except for the 2 FNGs.


From todays Bible App VotD

20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (‭‭‭Galatians‬ ‭2‬‬:‭20‬ ‭NIV‬‬)

Also want to mention… while I started this workout planning a few minutes before bed and googling “April 29th” I spent time reflecting on where we are as a country. Rodney King was mistreated (to put it lightly) by the police in 1991, one year later all 4 cops were acquitted of wrongdoing, thus the riots. Later, 2 of the cops were found guilty. Fast forward to today, over 30 years later, and it seems like we haven’t really learned how to do things differently in a lot of ways. In this matter we have gotten better with Justice at least.


We had 2 FNGs today

FNG 1 is Tripp. Trip was invited out by Bertha and High Country, goes to church with them.

FNG 2 is Derrek. Derrek is the younger brother of Spork. It was quickly observed that Derrek does not take after his brother with his squats. He recently move back to the area from Lakeland Florida and is making some “needed changes to his life”. Welcome Derrek!

FNG 3 is Highcountry who lives so far in the country that apparently he doesn’t have internet to register on the website. He’s no FNG.

Lots of groans when the PAX saw the speaker come out.

Sun Zero has a show coming up and was using the Music to day to prepare some.

At coffee we discussed HVAC and mini splits along with baseball and hockey, though with Hockey it was mostly Mater talking and everyone else nodding their heads.