April Showers

Event Date

Apr 25, 2017

Eight of NW Charlotte’s finest made it out on a damp and drizzly morning to celebrate April Showers and receive some necessary pain administration.  Iron sharpens iron, but dampness has been known to chill oneself to the bone. Therefore, and with haste, head to the shelter!


For something completely different, a bit of dynamic stretching to start things off

  • Neck to shoulder, each side

  • Head to armpit, each side

  • Arm to back shoulder and then lean to one side, each side

  • Spread legs out and grab your ankles, insert crass remark as appropriate, then put one arm down under nose with opposite hand in air, then bring lower the hand to opposite foot. Do each arm

  • After the lap around the school we also did one of these stretches:

  • Runners lunge to stretch hip in back, then extended front foot straight with tow in air.

  • Seated groin stretch with knees apart and feet flat together. Push legs out with elbows and lean forward

  • Back twist, with opposite arm on bent knee

The Thang

•             Deck of 52 cards (sans jokers)

•             Value of the card = the number of reps to do for the exercise

•             ♦ Diamonds: ‘Mericans, Face cards = Diamond ‘Mericans

•             ♠ Spades: Squats, Face cards = Jump Squats

•             ♣ Clubs: Plank Jacks

•             ♥ Hearts: Burpees

•             Any Ace:  One Lap around school (1/3 mile)

No more time left for Mary


  • Dynamic stretching is a form of stretching beneficial in sports utilizing momentum from form, and the momentum from static-active stretching strength, in an effort to propel the muscle into an extended range of motion not exceeding one's static-passive stretching ability. This form of stretching prepares the body for physical exertion and sports performance. In the past it was the practice to undertake static stretching before exercise. Dynamic stretching increases range of movement, blood and oxygen flow to soft tissues prior to exertion. Increasingly coaches and sports trainers are aware of the role in dynamic stretching in improving performance and reducing the risk of injury.

  • If you are doing some of these stretches correctly, you can really feel it ones hymen/perineum area

  • Great reflections on Saturday outreach event at Paw Creek. Great job men and thanks again for the outstanding support

  • Plank jacks were swapped in for lunges/jump lunges for knee considerations, even after factoring in today’s dynamic stretching

  • So this is what it feels when you pull a muscle

  • Hearts (burpees) seemed to have a higher than normal likelihood of coming up today

  • The dynamic stretching is a little preview of the "Holy F*$&'n Vishnu" session that will be coming in the future (foreshadowing). Embrace diversity in your workouts

  • Welcome Kevlar (Dave Vanek) to MIL F3. Dave is confident enough in his physique to jog thru Cobalt shirtless, and his trade is selling chest protectors to police, military and militia groups (off the books). His competitors carry the Kevlar line of protective material and hence the name. Other names receiving votes included “MacGyver” for his demonstrated handiness with building the shed this past weekend and "Ribbed for her pleasure" which may have something to do with the product he sells, but seems fairly random and inappropriate upon reflection

  • We did not make our way thru all of the cards, but that was still one solid workout. (Pain was delivered, no?)

  • Great work men!