It was dank night. Not Pierogi on Slack with memes dank, but still pretty crappy. A number of the regulars had run Tuna this weekend so the group text decided that running sucked and we would do a bootcamp. YHC spent a little time preparing the layout of thw orkout trying to avoid straining the legs. YHC 'sort of' succeeded. Here is the story of 8.5 PAX who showed up to work (Carpetbagger arrived at 7:40 for a double dip?)
Warm O'Rama
- SSH x12 IC
- Soy bean farmers X10 IC
- Hip Step Outs X10 IC
- Arm circles forward then back – OYO
- Arm stretches across the chest – 10 second hold
The Main Thang?
- Round 1-3 were done in intervals of 40 seconds of exercise and 20 seconds of rest. BRUTAL!
- Rounds 1 & 2 were done to a playlist called Metal Masters on Spotify. LAME!
- Then we went back to the Judgement Night Soundtrack to close out.
- Here are the exercises, related object and the order of the exercises for Rounds 1-3
- Battle Ropes – Two handed slam
- 20 lbs dumbells – curls
- Bosu ball squat with the blue rounded side up
- WWI Sit up with 20 lb two handles body ball
- 40 lbs or 50 lbs slam ball (your choice)
- TRX bands fixed to the fence at DPK for a close grip back pull
- 65 lbs or 85 lbs resistance bands (your choice) fixed to the fence for a kneeling skull crusher
- Dixie hammer with a 30 lbs kettle bell
- Rounds 4 & 5 were modified with the following two changes
- We went to the dirty thirties – 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off as fatugue and bad form were settling in to everyone
- We added the 30 lbs slam ball to do a squat and wall ball just before doing ropes when Carpetbagger hopped in.
The Nekked Man Moleskin
- Mr Hand was unhappy that he ran the Tuna after doing my leg workout. #sorrynotsorry
- Hasselhoff was a 1st time visitor and seemed to enjoy putting in the work. Hewas goong to visit his Mom and decided a dry workout was a good call.
- Burning bush wanted a run but I think I saw a glimmer in his eye when the downpouring rain happened midway through the workout and we were safely under the cover of the DPK garage
- Jenny is in peak core form. He absolutely murdered the weighted WW1 sit ups. Like no stopping, no breathing hard. Nada.
- Freedom managed to do all slam ball routines with the 50 lbs ball and never quitting on the back pull. #hugeprops
- We were graced by Hefty from Denver. After my confusing #pb, he came in and killed the workout. He also answered all questions about Denver, Denver F3, and the sundry other questions that Hand had.
- Jaws was looking around for the Jump Rope that never came. Instead he put forth a fantastic effort considering he ran Tuna this weekend and his Eagles let him down.
- Jaws also had to charge the deck and bring a beer for Freedom due to their annual Cowboys-Eagles bet. #staythirstymyfriend
- Carpetbagger wheeled in and joined the workout to earn his beers. Between Freedom and Bagger there was strong displeasure expressed towards the poor Bosu ball who is just trying to make you better.
- YHC can't lift his arms today. I think that means I am doing it right, right?