Are there any more hills?

Event Date

May 19, 2021

2 Brave Pax meet YHC at THE Meat Locker at 0525 to see what they were in for.  Some discussion about running routes through Westport, Covington and Sail View commenced.  Promptly at 0530, it begain:


  • SSH IC x 20
  • right over left, left over right
  • Speed Cotton pickers IC x 10
  • Windmills IC x 10
  • Imperial Storm Troopers IC x 10
  • Goofballs IC x 10
  • Grady Corn IC x 20


  • 1/2 lap around parking lot, stop to look up at the hill to graveyard.
  • At the bottom of the hill 10 squats, top of hill 1 lunge (2 is 1) repeato decreasing squats in increments of 1 down to 1 and increasing lunges in increments of 1 up to 10.
  • Mosey to Scouts building.
  • At the bottom of hill 10 merkins and 1 burpee at top of the hill, repeato in same manner as Squats/lunges
  • mosey around parking lot to blocks, get 1 block each, mosey to hill beside baseball field
  • 10 curls at bottom, carry block to top, 1 skull crusher, repeato in same manner as squats/lunges


  • 10 LBCs with block, bear crawl ~ 30 feet, 1 WWI, mosey to block
  • 9 LBCs with block, bear crawl ~ 30 feet, 2 WWI, mosey to block
  • 8 LBCs with block, bear crawl ~ 30 feet, 3 WWI, mosey to block
  • 7 LBCs with block, bear crawl ~ 30 feet, 4 WWI, mosey to block
  • 6 LBCs with block, bear crawl ~ 30 feet, 5 WWI, mosey to block
  • Blocks up


Not much of this as these men worked hard

Mully said his legs were hurting during the squats/lunges and said he'd rather be doing burpees so I listened and gave him burpees

Mater complained of still being sore from the murph and that he would like to just do star gazers but by the time we got to Mary, it was light out.  Sorry Mater


I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. Psalms 9:1


Thanks for letting me lead, It was an honor.  Remember those that have sacrificed for us and our freedom.  

Dr. Dolittle