4 explored the crispiest early morning yet! Missed those PAX that explored elsewhere…
- Squat Bouncy Hold – 20 SEC
- Right Over Left: Assume the Position – 20 SEC
- Left over Right: Assume the Position – 20 SEC
- SSH – 25IC
- Mountain Climbers – 25 IC
- Grandma MaTORS – 10 IC
- Windmills – 10 IC
??The Thang:
LBH Mosey, find a happy spot…
- WW1 Sit-Ups – 30 OYO
- Burpees – 15 OYO
- Copperhead Squats – 25 IC
Mosey to the parking lot, grab a block from Dandelion's truck, circle up…
- Block Quad-Fecta (block curl, block milkjug, block press, block skull crusher, repeat) – 20 IC
LBH Mosey, find a happy spot…
- WW1 Sit-Ups – 30 OYO
- Burpees – 15 OYO
- Copperhead Squats – 25 IC
Mosey to the parking lot, find your block, circle up…
- Block Quad-Fecta (block curl, block milkjug, block press, block skull crusher, repeat) – 20 IC
LBH Mosey, find a happy spot…
- WW1 Sit-Ups – 40 OYO
- Burpees – 20 OYO
- Copperhead Squats – 50 IC
Mosey to the parking lot, find your block, circle up…
- Block Quad-Fecta (block curl, block milkjug, block press, block skull crusher, repeat) – 25 IC
Block return Mosey, Mosey to circle up in the parking lot…
Hidden throughout…
- 3 to 4 sets of 30 to 50 Merkins every 2 to 3 days…
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ…
Romans 10:17 NIV: https://www.bible.com/111/rom.10.17.niv
Are you listening?
– Much focus on our side BOOBS… & the thought of other's side BOOBS…
– Crabby Patty comes in tardy-ish on 2 wheels following some extra-curricular activities…
– MaTOR couldn't figure out why everyone kept @ least 30' away from him…
– Continued prayers for the PAX, their family, their friends, their co-workers, their neighbors, &…
My Best,