33 men emerged from the gloom; many had travelled from Mustang, Huntersville, and GasHouse to join the SVU faithful to celebrate our 4th anniversary.  4 Q's dished out some SVU fav's.  Everyone worked hard and turned a chilly morning into a sweat-fest between the mumblechatter and laughing.

These guys joined us too but not in the pax dropdown: TrapperKeeper, PizzaMan, Slaw, DefLeppard, IronClad, Freight, WildThing,
To be added to the pax list, goto www.f3lkn.com and click "Create new account" link just under the login area.

Warm Up (Atlantis):
25x SSH (x=in cadence)
15x windmills
15x mountain climbers
15x merkins
arm circles

Get Some Blocks (Cheetah):
partner up
1's run back and do the SVU trail run (pretty water, horrible hill)
2's run back, snag a 33# block, and do a round of The Murph
partners run back together to the AO.

To The Clubhouse (Skipper):
Partners carry a block 1/2 mile to the clubhouse; switch as you like
Oh, let's stop for a little bit of pain
1's do cul-de-sac sprint and quadraphelia back
2's do block burpees
flip flop
carry on to the clubhouse

Clubhouse Party (MetroDog):
*** The girth of our pax required splitting up into the upper and lower parking lots. The Lowers couldn't help but notice the extra 10 yards we covered each time, and we also chose to not notice The Uppers running an extra 10 yards at the other end.
Parking Lot Metro Ball Relay
One person carries the MetroBall (18lb rugby ball) to the end and back and hands the MetroBall off to the next guy.  This continued through 4 rounds.

Round 1
Baseline 10 each time back  1)  Monkey Humpers 2) Carolina Dry Docks 3) Donkey Kicks 4) Merkin
Sprint length of parking lot
10 Burpee each time at opposite end
Plank for the 6

Round 2
Baseline 10 each time back  1)  Monkey Humpers 2) Carolina Dry Docks 3) Donkey Kicks 4) Merkin
Sprint length of parking lot and back

Round 3
Baseline 10 each time back  1)  Monkey Humpers 2) Carolina Dry Docks 3) Donkey Kicks 4) Merkin
MetroBall carriers sprint length of parking lot

Round 4
Baseline 10 each time back  1)  Monkey Humpers 2) Carolina Dry Docks 3) Donkey Kicks 4) Merkin
MetroBall carriers sprint length of parking lot

Remaining PAX do MetroBall Relay while remainder Bear Crawl length of parking lot

Back to the AO (Skipper)
Partners carry a block 1/2 mile to the clubhouse; switch as you like
Oh, let's re-visit the pain station
1's do cul-de-sac sprint and quadraphelia back
2's do merkin block walk across
flip flop
carry on back to the AO

Blocks Back (Cheetah)
2's run back and do the SVU trail run (pretty water, horrible hill)
1's run back, snag a 33# block, and do a round of The Murph
partners return to the AO.

Mary (Atlantis):
20x LBC
20x Low Dolly's
10x DR W
***after someone suggests to the Nomads that they can take this back to the GasHouse, they assure us that we can keep these up here.  heh-heh

Reflection:  Psalm 42: 1-2
As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
– What do you thirst for?  Success?  Happiness?  Fellowship?  Fitness?
– I suggest self-examination.  Do you thirst for Him?
– About half way into the MetroBall extravaganza, I realized that in the hustle and bustle of counting pax, calculating blocks, worrying over the trail run, and greeting our visitors (word!), I realized that I had forgotten to drink any water before or during the workout, and I was started to suffer a little.  Fortunately, I snagged some water when we returned to the AO, but I had really waited too long.
– Just like a marathoner waiting to drink until they are thirsty, I had already missed out on the benefits of keeping hydrated.  I wasn't at my max.
– Don't wait until you are thirsty.  I suggest not treating God like the Rescue Squad you search for only when you have troubles.
– Tap into Jesus regularly.  Keep your source of life nearby.  Prayers.  Bible study.  Reflect His love to others around you. 
– Drink from the Living Water of Christ. Be thirsty for Him.
– There is a great sermon series going on at Pursuit Church "Marked".  The message last week contained this Bible verse and inspired me.  If you are looking for a Bible believing place to worship, come check us out at 10:30am Sundays. https://www.facebook.com/PursuitChurchDenver/

– So awesome to see so many guys at SVU.  Thank you to the men from F3LKN central, the GasHouse Nomads, and our Mustang brothers-from-another-mother.  Hillarious mumble chatter….and some pretty boss work put in this morning.
– T-claps to MetroDog, SkipperD, and Atlantis for planning the BEATdown.  You guys ran a tight ship and kept 'em busy, sweaty, and out of breath.  Well done Brothers.
– T-claps to Big Easy for being part of the SVU OG at Rock Springs Elementary, before we had a name, before we had a weekday workout, before we even met here is SailView, before there was a Denver subregion.  You helped forge this beast, and I'm grateful for ya (understatement).  I'll never forget how glorious it was to finish that first seemingly impossible Murph with you.  And I'll never forget how you ran a solo workout on that 9 degree morning….(I had everything laid out but forgot to set the alarm!!).  Many others were important too, but F3Denver wouldn't exist without you.
– T-claps to some of the F3Isotope guys that got us going and have supported us all along the way: Crude, Moses, SnakeEyes, Jolly Roger, Dallas, Sasquatch, Skreech, Wolfgang.  Always a joy to see you Brothers.  Thank you for sharing this blessing with us and guiding us along the way.
– Even though we started late Jan 2013, we were just doing email bb's at first.  Here is the oldest bb on the F3isotope page: http://f3nation.com/2013/03/09/the-rookie-240/  I remember this well…I've even brought back the 'lunges every 5 minutes' joy to a few workouts…horrible every time.  Good memories.  MetroDog and LightBulb's FNG workout!!!!  I'm sure they remember it too.  muahahaha

It's been an honor for 4 years.  Can't wait to see what is in store for us in the future.

Be the man you were designed to be!