Arm Breaker 80’s Jams

Event Date

Mar 21, 2020


4 met before dawn to address the battle between personal distance and lifting/pushing/pulling.  Fortunately, both were achieved.  Good times and pain were had by all.  It went a little something like this.

 – 20x SSH
 – 20x Storm Troopers
 – 20x merkins
*** well, this was dumb considering what was planned
 – 15x windmills

Back to the back to snag a block.
Dandelion stays at the back for his modified no running/push-pull-abs circuit.

80's Rock Circuit:
 – LBH run
 – 25 block squat thrusters
 – 25 merkins
 – 25x curls
 – 25 burpees
 – 25x storm troopers
 – 25x SSH
 – Recover

Parking Lot interlude:
 – butt kickers
 – high knees
 – karaoke left
 – karaoke right

Round 2:
 – same as round 1 except YHC gladly moves storm troopers up between thrusters and merkins to give the ol' shoulders a break

Parking Lot interlude:
 – monkey drill left
 – monkey drill right
 – quardraphelia

Round 3:
 – same as round 2
 – roasted

Take blocks back
YHC's brain and body are wrecked
*** Anvil helps with the audible
Quick circuit mixing step ups, toe ups, and hanging pistols

Return to the front…couple suicides…a-n-d that's it.

Reflection:  Joshua 1:7
"“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. "
– some people seem to be feeling pretty hopeless due to the corona virus excitement
– this was a good reminder that in times of trouble, people are going to be looking for something to soothe their concern.
– Our hope is in Jesus and His redeeming love.  We need to be strong and courageous to share our faith, or to become involved in someone else's situation.
– We should stay focused on what our mission is here on earth; not to be distracted or turn to the right or the left.  
– How can you be God's hands and feet in these times?  Lots of opportunities.

– this workout was loosely based on a Harrisburg workout, they did 4 rounds for time
– but I added the block thrusters to their squats and didn't want to roll around in the pollen for WWII's
– great to have Dandelion with us for the warm up and to see him focused and kicking butt in the back playground
– I was setting up a speaker when it was time for the first LBH run.  Anvil and Shirley take off, and I instinctively say, "I'll catch up."  Then I realize it's Anvil and Shirley.  There is no catching up with Anvil and Shirley.  THey are quick and beastly.
– Anvil's knee still asks questions when he starts running.  Anvil says "Shut Up" and gets it done regardless.
– Shirley Q next week; then Anvil.

Really enjoyed the banter.  Somehow you guys made this fun.  My body hated me all day and through the night.
Thank you for allowing me to lead.