29 men showed up at The General this morning — some still recovering from the BRR, some coming off injuries, and others just ready for whatever the Q had in store.  Given the first two, YHC decided that today would be a good day for #norunning.  So we took a leisurely walk around the block.  Here's approximately what we did:

First things first — National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance

Warm-o-Rama (in cadence):

Side Straddle Hop x15

Imperial Storm Trooper x 15

Toy Soldier x 10

Cotton Picker x 15

Mountain Climber x 15

Mericans x 10


The Thang:

Slow mosey with a lunge walk to the rock pile on Westmoreland Road, pick a traveling rock

Thus ensued Armageddon – from the rock pile heading East on Westmoreland Road, we alternated 10xcurls, shoulder press, and skull crushers, for a loop of the park.  Along the way, we did the following exercises, along with possibly others:

Rock squats, straight leg rock lifts, Mericans, Chest Press, WW2 sit-ups with rock overhead, LBC with rock, alternating lunges with rock, people's chair, wall climbers (mountain climbers with feet on wall), some more Mericans, Russian twist, and probably more Mericans.

When we completed our loop, we kept going to the next corner just to keep the PAX guessing (and chattering).  After returning the rocks, we returned to the flag and Moses led some Stretch Armstrong type stuff, careful to work both sides evenly and thoroughly.  


– We rolled up to "Rock me like a hurricane" blasting on Magnus's sound sytem — getting us prepped for the storm to come; we then transitioned into the Star Spangled Banner, which is always a crowd favorite

– I heard a couple "Whole Lotta Walkin" quips, but overall good chatter and not a lot of complaints this morning

– Thanks to Magnus for taking us out and lifting up those that will have difficulties resulting from this week's hurricane; also thanks to Moses for the impromptu yoga — I felt like we needed it.  No idea how many curls, shoulder presses and skull crushers we did, but it felt like a lot by the end!

– We had ~27 for coffeeteria after the workout, which is a record;  I don't know if this is the first time the coffee kettle has been emptied at a workout, but it was a whole lotta cups!

– Thanks to Suds for the cup donation from Auto Spa, and thanks to Aroma for the coffee donation;  Magnus suspects we have enough of both to make it through 2018!!

– Hippie started a group for PAX members between jobs and looking to leverage contacts to find work;  they meet after The General as a part of our coffeeteria;  come join if you're looking for work or if you feel you may be able to provide some assistance and/or advice; everyone has a good perspective to help others find what they're looking for

– That's it — stay safe and enjoy some family and neighbor time this weekend.  
