Arms, Arms, & more Arms

8 PAX showed for a brisk KB workout in brisk temps. Air temps were much cooler this GLOOM than typically have been.


Warm O Roma: SSH IC X 15, Windmill slow IC X 10, long snapper IC X 15, chin to knee for 5 count hold ea side, IST IC X 15, Toy Soldiers IC X 15. 

Back of the school: Zamporini carry, to around the World, to Allen Iverson.

The Thing: 1st round – Low Curls slow IC X 10, High Curls slow IC X 10, full curls X 10 count, lawn mower X 10 count each arm, isolated arm curls X 10 count each arm, overhead press X 10 count, Skull crushers X 10 count. Mosey around the playground. Repeato 1st round, but add in bentover rows and upright rows X 10 count. Repeato but without slow IC curls.

On your 6: chest press X 30 count, KB LBCs X 30 count, windshield wipers IC X 10. Repeato after 2nd round of The Thing.

Back to launch: goblet squats X 5, Sumo squats X 5, side lunges X 5 ea leg, backwards lung X 5 ea leg, mind blown air bender.

Recover, Recover 

Announcements: Neck of the Woods Adventure Race. Please see 9 Lives for full details or check Social Media 

Prayers: PAX Carpetbagger’s father in the hospital. PAX Gump’s mother, & loss of his father from a car wreck. PAC S’mores in hospital.

Moleskin: great group of hard charging PAX. End of summer arm focused workout 💪🏼. Hopefully Y’all feel the gains tomorrow 😉. Good turnout for Coffeeteria where the conversation was on what happened and what will be happening at The General, besides “RRReee cccoolllaahhh”