Arms up

Event Date

Apr 19, 2018


11 men posted to perfect weather.  An injured Q refuses to run, so arms and shoulders take the brunt of it.  


Arm circles

Sloooooowwww Merkins

Copper head squats

Mountain Climbers


1st Plan: Burpee Pull-ups

On the minute:

5 Burpees + Max Pull-ups

Repeat-O  times 10

(plan was pull-ups only, but with 11 PAX, had to audible: half did merkins, half did pull-ups)


2nd Plan: Meat GRinder


  • Farmer carry two 35# weights (timer)

  • Inchworm ab roller

  • Australian rows

  • Post back extensions

  • Thor’s hammer swings

  • Kettle bell swing

  • Block-around-the-head

  • Pulley swing

  • Block Squats

  • Pull-ups

Repeat-O  times 2



Reflection: “Do away with the opinion I am harmed, and the harm is cast away too.  Do away with being harmed, and harm disappears”.

–Meditations 4.7   

    Words can have multiple meanings.  One usage can be harsh and another completely innocent.  The same word can be a cruel slur or a plie of sticks. In the same way something said sarcastically differs from something that was pointed and mean.  The interpretation of a remark has an immense amount of power. It’s the difference between a laugh and hurt feelings.

This is why it’s so important to control the biases and lenses we bring to our interactions.  When you hear of see something, which interpretation do you jump to? Do you have a default interpretation with certain people?

If being upset or hurt is something you’d like to experience less often, then make sure your interpretations of others’ words make that possible.  Choose the right inference from other’s actions, and you are more likely to have a better response.


Mole Skin:

  • No impact on Q’s ankle for 3-4 weeks, so arms & shoulders pay the price.  

  • Lots of mumble chatter, most of it not printable.

  • Ziplock and Hefty step out of time machine from 1978 ready to workout.  Those shorts man, those shorty-shorts!!

  • Shout out for Clark sticking with his 2018 resolution, although we all miss his zingers.

  • Confirmed, Dandelion is heterosexual.  We all thought it, but he did ask for confirmation in BB.

  • Metro bails and misses most of the grinder fun.  But made up for it pre-workout.

  • Need to find Michelle.  Q had plans for her this morning.  

  • Enjoyed being with the PAX.  Sound off in comments on missed mumble chatter.


Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb