Army PFT…sort of!

Event Date

Feb 25, 2017


Warm upSsh IC10xMC IC10xMerkin cross reach IC10x2 lonely PFC’s set out for a half mile demo run from top of LB Hill to each station listed below then begin back at top of LB Hill where Metro Dog and His 2.0 Comet join in the fun!1. Do Army PFT push up for 1 min at top of LB hill.-mosey to bottom of hill.2. Quadriphelia up to 4085 Crepe Ridge dr. (Q’s house)3. Flip tire down drive way 1st partner then 2nd partner flip back.-mosey to block island4. Bear crawl up and over block island-mosey around block island to next cone5. 50 yd Sprint to cone.-mosey to corner lot6. Army pft sit- up 2 min for max-mosey to bottom of hill7. Jump rope 100x or 1 min…metro repeats!!-mosey to parking lot9. Overhead presses using whatever token is available…concrete, sand or iron. 20×10. Sparky … 35 lb plate push.11. Army pft push up 1 min12. Audible – Metro calls for max pull ups13. 5 MoM-flutters, DrWsThoughts for the day: from Matthew 18““If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens and pays attention to you, you have won back your brother. But if he does not listen, take along with you one or two others, so that EVERY WORD MAY BE CONFIRMED BY THE TESTIMONY OF TWO OR THREE WITNESSES. If he pays no attention to them [refusing to listen and obey], tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile (unbeliever) and a tax collector.Tough word today…the context is centered on church discipline yet is applicable in how we should deal with conflict/offense within our family, neighborhood, workplace and community…are we too uncomfortable /weak to engage each other that we gossip to a third party or a rant on FB/Twitter? I know i am challenged at work to speak directly with an offending individual rather than to spread gossip by talking to someone other than the person involved. Communicating directly with the one individual gives opportunity for trust, respect and learning…could this be in part why our country is so divided? Who in your life do you need to deal directly with today? Will you consider doing so?Announcements:5k to 15k next weekend.June 6th keep pounding 5k …Metro Dog has more details.A pleasure to lead a 1st Q @ SVU…Thuse, Metro Dog and Comet you will forever be remembered. It would have been a lonely workout without your presence!