Arnie’s Army

Event Date

Jan 15, 2016

PAX: Bubbles, Genghis Khan, Gekko, Bullwinkle, Squiggy, Tin Man, Drumstick, Magoo, DMV, Pipedream

Welcome to the Arnold Palmer.  This workout is designed for the PAX who did not satisfy their pain quota for the week.  The 65-minute workout is ½ Seabiscuit and ½ IB Shuttle.  Today it measured out to rough 4.75 miles of running, 70 pullups, 140 merkins, 210 squats, and 120 reps IC with pavers.

THE THANG:  0510 start.  Man, that’s early.  Mosey to the track from the Village Green.  This is pipwidely accepted to be a ½ mile – though unconfirmed – and counts as the first two laps of the Seabiscuit.  At the track, we do sets of laps – 2, 3, 2, 1 – with OYO pain stations of 10 pullups, 20 merkins, and 30 squats in between each set of laps.

The PAX is still fresh so we mosey 0.7 miles (thanks Googlemaps) to IB School to begin the second half of the workout, better known as the IB Shuttle.  Here, we pick up Gekko and Bullwinkle who chose the wiser path of just the IB Shuttle.

The IB Shuttle:

10x pullups, 20x merkins, 30x squats OYO

Mosey to DUMC and pick up pavers for 10x Curls IC, 10x OH Press IC, 10x Skull Crushers IC*

Mosey back to IB School and REPEATO

In all, we did 4 complete rounds at IB School and DUMC.  0615 draws near so we mosey back to the Green for COT, nope, MARY.  Squiggy’s watch was 2 minutes slow so we did 20x Low Flutter IC and 20x J-Lo’s IC until 0615.

*Rotated Q’s during each stop at DUMC. There was some variation on the exercises done and the counts. Bench press, Bent over row, and Paver mason twist made cameos. 

COT – 11 PAX in all, including Bullwinkle and Gekko. A few questions and a touch of trepidation surrounding the upcoming Army/Navy Beatdown.   


I feel like the Arnold Palmer is the warm porridge of workouts – it’s just right.  #TWSS.  A good mix of running, squats, and upper body. 

Grillz and Lettuce Wrap were spotted on the track, running a full Seabiscuit.  Where were the rest of the Seabiscuit regulars?  This was Lettuce Wrap’s first post to a Davidson workout.  As we jogged around the track I explained the Arnold Palmer and the Seabiscuit. When it came time to move into the stands for our first round of pain he (wisely?) kept on running.  Come back Lettuce Wrap!

Observation:  Mumblechatter is different on Fridays. This is likely due to the OYO nature of things.  Lots of one-on-one or small group mumblechatter because there’s no Q to heckle. 

Admission:  I feel a small sense of pride that there’s a workout named after a fellow Wake Forest alumnus.  I didn’t name this workout, but I like it.  I wonder if F3 Tarheel grads feel the same way when the Mahktar N’Diaye is called out as the next exercise.  My guess is they do not.  Footnote: Did you know that Mahktar N’Diaye went to Wake Forest his freshman year?  The two of us lived in the same freshman dorm, along with Tim Duncan – who is the G.O.A.T. and does not have an awful exercise named after him.