Arnie’s Army Goes Up in Smoke (fest)

Old Man Winter was scared to show, but 14 hard-charger were not.  We sallied forth for a smoke (that must've been Hippie doing the drive by) fest of 'Mericans, Sprints, etc.  Here's was the festive THANG:

Quick mosey to CoP for

25 x ssh

10 x windmill

15 x ist

Bunch o' jump squats

Bunch o' St. Nicholas was from Turkey Turkish get-ups

Double time to bridge for 10 up and overs

Tee up the Michigan for 1.284 miles of sprints

Mosey back to CoT.

And oh by the way, we also mixed in 300 'Mericans for the naughty, a bunch o' feel-good stretches for the nice, and some Mary along the way.


The clown car was only at half-strength this morning, but their incognating was a full power.  However, this Q is unflappable even in the face of serious threats against his watch.

It was definitely a smoke-fest in more ways than one!  Was that Hippie on the drive-by? Pass the cheetos please.

Jump squats confused everyone even though we weren't stoned yet.

Special shout-out to Amen who has made great improvements in just his first few weeks of F3, and who stepped up with an awesome take-out at CoT.  Aye.

Great morning gents!  Goat sends.