Arnies Army returns to pain

Event Date

Mar 08, 2021

Word on the street was Arnies Army was lead astray and an attempt was made to make it a running AO last week. Upon hearing this YHC was determined to bring the Army back to the glory with little running and maximum pain. 

3 Men took on the standard and were ready for 5:30am


  • Warm up lap
  • SSH
  • IST
  • Merkins
  • Mosey to pull up bars

Chelsea was the focus of our attention for the next 35 minutes, we accomplished:

  • 150 Pull-ups
  • 330 Merkins
  • 450 squats
  • 90 seconds of breaks which makes this entire event unoffical Chelsea 


  • 50 LBCs
  • Crunchy Frogs
  • Mason / Russian Twist
  • Elbow Plank


  • Great to have the Professor back with us in the gloom, all is right in the F3 kingdom when Professor is crushing beatdowns
  • Chelsea is a perfect setup for mumble chatter and it was a good one today, granted between round 20-30 it mostly quieted down. 
  • Talk to your accountant as most of that booze you have consumed during work hours this past year of quarantine can be written off as a business expense, at least Professors says so! 
  • Apparently holding onto a certain age for more then a year is a thing. A few guys have been 39 for a long time, one guy has been 49 for a few years and CherryBomb is still in his 20's for the 12 year now. YHC is staring down the 42 barrel and looking forward to Qing on Tuesday and Wednesday! Till the next time…