Arnies Back 2 School Concert

22 men started out the 2nd half of the school year with a Back 2 School Concert at Arnies.

Warm up:

Mosey around the parking lot since the prison yard is locked

Merkins 10 – IC unless noted

SSH – 25

Merkins – 10

IST – 15

Merkins – 10

Cotton Picker – 10

Merkins – 10

Windmill – 10

Merkins – 10

Partner up for 20 partner leg throw downs

The Thang:

Mosey to the bridge

Peoples chair – 60 seconds

Bear crawl over the river of pain

Partner leg throw downs – 20

Mosey to the hill

Partner up:

Partner #1 – Quadrafela up the hill, 7 burpees

Partner #2 – LBC

Continue until each partner completes ladder of 7 to 1

Mosey back to launch pad

Plank….Concert is OVER, no time for an encore!!

Naked Moleskin:

1. Always a pleassure when Toxic and Hippie are in attendance – Toxic noticed a pattern in the Warm up that Merkins where on the agenda….of course they are, my older and better looking brother Gnarly Goat would be disappointed if Merkins were not included on a Monday!!

2. I was going to skip a set of Merkins until Toxic spoke up and tried to guess the next exercise, so I obliged and noted that it may have been the most intelligent comment that I have heard from a Buckeye fan…..perhaps ever.

3. Out of Respect for Callahan, the bear crawl over the river of pain should be mandatory for any Arnies workout.

4. Is it just me or does it seem odd that Birkdale locks the basketball court, is someone going to steal the basketball net?  Perhaps Auto should talk to the HOA on this.

5.. A number of new faces at Arnies, great job men, stay with it.

6. Amen – looking good brother, keep it up!!

7. Thanks to Callahan for the opportunity, Arnies is a great AO!!