Arnie’s Classic (TM)

11 pax posted to Arnie’s for what I’m labeling an “Arnie’s Classic” in that it featured some (though certainly not all) of the kinds of activities one might come to expect at this great AO after having posted to it many times over the years.  I like to try to come up with at least some new stuff for a Q, but sometimes times you just gotta drag out the old favorites.

0500YHC joined Auto, Big Montana, and Dingo (who couldn’t stay for the main event) on a pre-beatdown Standard.  There was some debate regarding what the route should be, but BM wasn’t having it and made the executive decision to run the Devonshire out and back.  YHC turned back at the 1 mile mark (for total 2 mi) while the rest got the full 3.

0530Pax gathered in the lot waiting for the go signal.  FNG-1 is third (or fourth?) post Centurion, not yet registered on the Isotope site – great to meet you, and get yourself registered, sir!  YHC noted that that was a pretty cool F3 name, almost too cool.  Pax didn’t used to get names like that.  You used to get named after televangelists and mineral water and triple decker roast beef sandwiches.

Anyway, mosey around parking lot, circle up, disclaimer.


  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Slow Squat x 10 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Willie Mays Hayes x 10 IC
  • Slippery Dip Can x 10 IC

Mosey to benches for Dips x 15 IC.

Mosey back to pullup bars for the following:

  • Pullup x 10 OYO
  • Merican x 15 OYO
  • Squat x 20 OYO
  • LBC x 25 OYO

Repeato above exercises x 2.

Mosey back to benches for Dips x 15 IC.

Mosey toward bridge, stopping in front of F3 Schneider house for Merican x 43 OYO.

At bridge:

  • People’s Chair 45 sec with a few words regarding our brother Schneider
  • Up-and-Over x 10 OYO
  • Bear Crawl Tunnel – each pax crawls twice
  • Sprint length of bridge

Mosey back to AO, stopping in front of Schneider house for Squat x 43 OYO.

At AO – mosey to top of parking lot, and commence 11s, with 10x WWII situp at top of lot and 1x HR Merican at bottom of lot, then 9 and 2, 8 and 3, and so on, until completed.

Quick Mary:

  • Mason Twist x 10 IC
  • Dying Cockroach x 10 IC
  • Elbow Plank 30 sec

Recover, recover.


  • Thanks to Tammy Faye for reaching out to YHC many weeks ago to ask for a Q, and for the opportunity to lead the pax this morning.  Thanks to the Goatbusters as well as the Arnie’s regulars for the support.  10-15 pax is about the perfect size crowd for a beatdown.
  • Hope the pax enjoyed the mix of activities, trip the bridge, etc.  Arnie’s was the AO for YHC’s first workout in June 2016.  It’s my home AO, and still the only workout for which I’ve been MQ.  Lot of my early F3 memories were of Monday mornings, usually with Callahan at the helm, taking us to the bridge, running us around the parking lot or back to the pullup bars, and then beating us down with some Grandma.  Always feels good to mix in some of those old favorites.
  • I think Smokey lapped me twice on the 11s.  Not the first time that’s happened.  Making it look easy as usual.
  • Cobains to Perrier for all the squats.
  • Thanks to Auto for continuing to hit me up for Standards.  I need it, and have gotta get back in the habit.  Appreciate you always pushing me and trying to build a better Turncoat.  Thanks brother.
  • Great to have Ultraman and Die Hard take a break from their usual Sword posts to join us this morning.
  • Lot of prayer requests within the group, for ailing friends and family, and some unspoken prayers as well.  Hang in there guys, and lean on your brothers when you need to.
  • YHC thinking about and missing Schneider this morning.
  • Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016 – I’m forever grateful.
